"Thank God you're okay" he muttered into my hair, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Stiles" I chuckled as we pulled away, "you can't get rid of a Mikaelson that easily." I joked as a small, relieved grin etched his lips. Jackson was still shooting at the Sherriff.

"Wait woah is that a dead body?" Stiles asked from beside me staring at the white sheet draped over a stretcher. Although, my attention lingered else where - to the two boys on the roof as they gave me a knowing glance.

Noah insisted that I didn't drive alone after the night I had, offering me a lift to my apartment, to which I of course obliged.

"Hey Stiles, can I borrow you a minute?" I asked as we pulled up to our destination. "Uh- yeah sure" he replied, his father nodding as we stepped away from the car.

"Whats up?"

"okay so, the beast that attacked in that store? Not a mountain lion, but we're the only ones who know that, along with Derek, Scot, and probably the argents." Stiles watched me intensely as he waited for what I had to say.

"Stiles I was right, the other wolf? It was them. It had to have been the alpha, it's eyes were bright red, the same as the beast that bit Scott the day I arrived. I'm sure Derek's already telling Scott, but the weird part was it stopped when it got to Jackson."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the alpha. It trapped Jackson and made its way towards him, but stopped when it looked at the back if his neck. Whatever it saw stopped it from killing him, we need to keep an eye on Jackson okay?" Stiles nodded, his eyes wide before he turned to head back to the car. I waved the pair off before returning upstairs.

Tomorrow was Ally's birthday, we spent hours on facetime talking which was great, it felt like I hadn't seen much of her recently, I wanted that to change.


Jackson waltzed into chemistry, the whole class staring at the two fo us. Word must have got out about the attack, I thought before Mr Harris approached the two of us.

"Hey Arabella, Jackson. If you need to leave the early for any reason, you let me know" he reassured. Harris not being a total dick for once? God if I'd have known I had to get 'attacked' for this I would have done it a long time ago.

We nodded, the teacher returning to the front of the room "Everyone, start reading chapter 9"

I shot Stiles a glance, catching him already looking in my direction, I made a subtle gesture to Jackson's neck as he nodded.

"Mr Stilinski, try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, its chemistry, not a colouring book."

As Jackson dipped his head, I peered at what looked to be deep scratch marks, taking a mental note before getting distracted by Stiles' voice. "One more question?" he asked the boy in front of him.

"What?!" Danny replied, clearly agitated.

"Do you find me attractive?" Stiles continued, only to be met by silence as I attempted to cover my laugh with a cough.


"Honey, theres a Stiles and Arabella here to see you" Mrs Martin introduced as we stood by the door frame. Stiles had convinced me to tag alomg to check on Lydia, of course I didn't mind, she's my friend after all.

"What the hell is a Stiles?"

"Hey Lyds, we're just making sure you're okay" I smiled, she tapped the side of the bed for the two of us to sit.

"I feel, fantastic" she said, clearly dazed on whatever medication she had been forced to take.

"Woah" Stiles said as she grabbed his arm. He reached for the pill bottle "Hey I bet you can't say I saw Suzie sittin' in a shoe shine shop ten times fast."

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now