Spirited Away

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"I am so cramped in this time capsule" I complain.

"Stop complaining your the one who wanted to go to Japan" Max says.

"But I hate time traveling" I complain.

"Not my fault" he says.

"How long is it?" I ask impatiently.

"About a few more minutes" Max replies.

"But we have been in this capsule for hours" I complains.

"We have only been here for 5 minutes and beside every minute we have traveled about one hundred years" Max replies.

"Really cause I am so bored" I complain.

"You aren't bored, your impatient" Max says.


"You spat on me" Max whines.

"Shut your mouth ok" I exclaim in anger.

"You disgusting..." Max says until we arrived in the past of Japan,

"Wow" I exclaim as I walked out of the machine.

"We have to go find Chihro" Max says.

"AND STALK HER!!!!" I yell ecstatically.

"Shhhh" Max says shutting me up.

We walked to find a empty market, we or let's say I decided to go explore.

"ROSE LETS GO BACK" Max yells at me.

"I am exploring" I reply walking off.

"Ugh" Max says as he walked out of the market.

Before I got out of the time capsule I took or maybe stole the camera, I couldn't help it.

Than I saw all the spirits come out of nowhere, I was terrified and started to do something like any other normal person...RUN

I ran and ran until I remembered I had berries to keep me whole in the spirit world.

"Hello world it's me Rose, I am in the spirit world and have no idea what I should do" I say to the camera.

"Why did I leave Max?" I whisper to myself until I saw Chihiro be encountered with Haku.

I ran to get the camera and I followed them to the bathhouse, I made my suit turn invisible by simply pressing a button.

"Thanks Hiro" I thought to myself as I sneaked to follow them. I found Chihiro trying to impress Kamaji to be able to stay, I was recording the whole experience until I got hungry.

"Oh no I'm hungry" I whisper.

"did you hear something?" Chihiro asks Kamaji.

"Rose shhh you are undercover" I told myself in my head.

I ran and saw Chihiro get escorted by Lin to see Yubaba the owner of the bathhouse.

"I saw her change her name and everything, I was in utter shock when I saw Yubaba, she was really really scary.

After a while Chihiro worked for the bathhouse she let someone strange in, his name was No Face, I wished I could tell her not to but I shouldn't mess with the past.

I decided to find my way back before I cause any trouble, I walked and walked but I couldn't leave, I guess I had to stay longer.

I went to see Chihiro but she was gone to work so I followed her, I got all the spirits on camera until I smelt a aweful smell, It was a poluted river spirit, it smelt TERRIBLE.

Chihiro had to clean it which was unfortunate but she did and made him not poluted anymore and Yubaba received lots of money.

"Oh no the camera battery is running out" I thought as I panicked around.

I ran around like a mad man until I pressed a help button, I for some reason only remembered there was one just now.

BANG BANG SHHHHH I heard the machine coming.

"Guys the spirits can see us!" I yell.

"They can't see us hurry up" Max says.

"Fine" I reply as I ran into the time capsule and went off to the present time.


"We arrived!" Max say.

"We aren't in the present time" I say.

"Yea we are in the past still" Max reply.

"Why?!" I complain.

"We are gonna interview Totoro and friends!" Max explains.

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