A Fighter's Love - Chapter 5

Depuis le début

When I came out of the shower I found my room empty so I dressed in the first pair of clean clothes that I could find and stumbled downstairs. Matt handed me a piece of toast with Nutella slathered all over it and a juice box. After I finished eating, I wrapped my hand in his and tugged him towards the door. He had driven here in his car last night so I was just going to hitch a ride with him to school today.

We got a couple of stares in the parking lot but I barely noticed anymore. People still hadn’t grown accustomed as to why the star quarterback of the football team would date a “low-life piece of scum”. A cheerleader’s words, not mine. I didn’t feel like going to my classes today so I hung out in the girl’s hallway bathroom, listening to music and reading the messages that people had scratched onto the walls. The strong smell of marijuana floated through the bathroom and I wondered who could be stupid enough to smoke at school. If you wanted to get stoned at least do it somewhere secluded. Not in school where you were practically begging to be caught by the faculty members.

I rested my head against the wall, ignoring the feeling that it was probably dirtier than a toilet and closed my eyes. When I woke up, I realized that I had slept all through the first four periods. Groggily, I lifted myself up from my place on the ground and pushed through the girls who were fixing their makeup and hair in front of the mirrors. Some gave me dirty looks and others didn’t even bother to acknowledge my existence.

The hallways were buzzing with excited teenagers chatting about tests, gossip, and other normal stuff. I shoved through a mob of people and finally arrived at the cafeteria where the chatter of this weekend’s big football game was the topic. I groaned to myself. Matt’s big game was this weekend and he needed to keep his focus; instead, he came to my house to comfort me when he should have been with his team talking about strategies and what not.

Slowly, cautiously, I crawled towards Matt’s table. It was awkward, to say the least, to be at his table and try to ignore the glares I got from the cheerleaders but I had practiced my bored expression till it was perfect.

I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and pecked his cheek. Matt smiled and eagerly reached for my lips. I heard catcalls and smooching noises coming from the rest of his football friends so I stopped and leaned into his ear.

“Why didn’t you remind me that your big game was this Saturday?” I asked.

He sighed and turned to face me. “Because you’re more important than some stupid football game and you needed me. You know that.”

“Just tell me next time, okay?”

“Okay. Why don’t you sit down with us?” His friends looked like that was the last thing in the world they wanted so I chuckled coldly and shook my head.

“I don’t think so. I’ll see you later. Crystal’s probably looking for me.”

A red-headed cheerleader spoke from the other side of the table. “And besides, we have a reputation to uphold. We can’t just go around offering seats to delinquents. Who do you think we are? Seriously, Matt, just because she’s an easy piece of ass it doesn’t mean we all have to put up with her.”

 Matt gave her a chastising glare and opened his mouth to argue but I beat him to it. All I said was: “Shut up, bitch.” Then, I gave Matt one last kiss and walked away. I was pretty used to being bashed on by the girls of this hellhole; after all, they were just jealous that I had snagged one of the hottest guys here.

Crystal ditched school today so I hung out at our usual table, picking at my food and listening to music. The whispers were still floating around me but I pretended not to hear them. After school, I caught a ride home with Matt since my bike was at home.

A Fighter's LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant