"Dance With Me?" Karl X Reader (Remake) (Part One?)

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(This isn't a request)
(It's 3am when I'm writing this, I was sad and tired and in desperate need of my friends, so trust me. This chapter is gonna suck. Sorry🤷) (I'm now writing this is school. Help... Also, this story uses they/ them pronouns)
(Warning: Insults towards "you", body image issues /I think\)

Y/N and Karl had gone out for the day. They were in a feild (bruh you about to hear about a lot of feilds. Sorry.) They were sitting down and listening to music and talking. All of a sudden a familiar song comes on and Karl jumps up. "Dance With Me?" Karl asked holding out a hand. Y/N took his hands and got pulled up from the ground. Karl started to spin Y/N around and dance with them.

They danced for a bit before the song ended. Karl and Y/N stopped dancing and took a step away from eachother. The pair started laughing.
(Time Skip Brought To You By: Karl's monster addiction) (I know I already used that one before but I love it)
Y/N and Karl were still sitting in the feild when the sun was setting. Y/N and Karl turned their heads towards eachother. They both smiled at the other.

"Tonight has been amazing Karl." Y/N said leaning back and looking at the sky. "Yeah." Karl responded following Y/N actions. (Bruh I'm tired. Leave me alone😭) Karl and Y/N stood up and packed away everything they brought and walked back to Karl's car. (Vroom vroom.) They got into the car and Karl plugged his phone in and played a playlist. It took a second to actually connect, but once it did. Sweater Weather started playing. Y/N and Karl started yelling the lyrics on their way back to Karl's house.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur, and literally everyone else not having a chapter yet in this story.)

They got to Karl's house and got out of the car and to the front door of the house. Karl had to search for his keys for a minute but then found them and unlocked the door. "Weirdos first" Karl said holding the door open. "Then why are you still standing there? Get inside." Y/N said laughing. Y/N still walked through the door and plopped down onto the couch. Karl walked in after and waddled (do I actually mean he penguin waddled, no. Would that be hilarious to imagine, yes.) Into the kitchen and grabbed (guess what it is. Bet you can't guess.) Monster for him and Y/N. He walked back to the living room and walked up to Y/N to hand them their drink. They took it and opened it and took a drink. Karl did this same after sitting down next to Y/N.

Karl and Y/N started talking about Monster flavors, his recent streams and videos, and anything else that came to mind. By the time they we done talking it was 2am. "Time flys when your having fun" Karl chuckled. They both fell asleep on the couch after a few more hours of talking. (Please end my suffering and kill me before I embarrass myself anymore then I already have)

(Another Time Skip Brought To You By: My Monster addiction.)

Y/N woke up first and noticed they were the first awake. They curled up into a ball (still on the couch) and pulled out their phone and scrolled through (insert social media here). Karl started waking up and sleepily said "Good morning Y/N". Y/N said good morning back.

Y/N and Karl ate breakfast and continued to hangout for the day. They went out for a walk (and you know... Whatever else I write) Karl and Y/N walked down the sidewalk talking about whatever came to mind. "We should go get some food" Karl said. And with that, the two were off to a restaurant to grab food.(👍) They walked in, sat down, anc ordered their food. Karl and Y/N we're talking when a group of teenage girls walked up to the table whispering to eachother. "Oh my God! Hi Karl! I literally love you!!" One of the girls screamed. "Who's this?" Another girl asked. "Is this your partner Karl? If so, you could do so much better then them. Their so ugly" Another one of the girls said starring at Y/N. (I'm sowy if this hurted your feelings, the girls are jealous of how awesome you are and how pretty you are.😤)

Y/N just sat there teary eyed while Karl got surrounded by the girls asking questions and trying to talk to him. He looked incredibly red from embarrassment. (Cause why wouldn't someone be embarrassed when they get recognized in public) Karl stood up and grabbed Y/N's hand and ran out of the restaurant. "Are you ok Y/N?" He asked. "Yeah..." Y/N responded looking down at the ground. "Y/N don't listen to them. Your not ugly. Your (beautiful/handsome)." He said looking down at you. "Thanks Karl" Y/N responded whipping away their tears. "Now let's go and have fun!" Karl said grabbing Y/N's hand and running.

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