Liam sighed. "Alright then how many cars are we taking?"

"I think we just need three?" suggested Harry.

"Harry and I can drive." offered Niall.

Liam nodded and we were out the door in seconds. We quickly hurried into all three cars and were off.


We've been driving for maybe half an hour. We're at a back entrance to some building, there's men in black suits all over the place.

Niall stopped the car and rolled down his window.

"Hey Rob. How's the wife and kids?" he asked with a smile.

The man extended his arm and they did some weird handshake. "Good, Lisa says hi. When are you boys coming around again, the girls can't wait to see you."

Naill laughed, "Well don't tell anyone, but it might be sooner than later." he joked.

"That's great man, I can't wait. You know I'm a big fan."

"Haha, listen did he tell you we were coming?"

The man nodded. "Yea yea. He's waiting for you guys."

Niall nodded, " Alright perfect."

He shut off the engine and got out, he motioned for the other to do the same. He quickly ran to my door to let me out.

"Ready?" he politely asked.

I nodded. He extended his hand out to me entwining our fingers together.

Rob, the man who Niall seemed to know quite well opened the back door for us. "Have fun kids." he said smiling.

The others quickly followed.

Niall led us to a hallway filled with doors. He seemed to be looking for a specific door. He softly knocked three times.

"Come in!" a familiar voice shouted from the other side.

Niall turned the knob, he ran inside to hug someone in a hoodie.

"Man how are you?" asked the man in the hoodie.

"Great man, how's everything?"

The hooded person nodded. "Great, I'm glad you guys could come man."

"Hey man this is my girlfriend, Andrea." he said turning around to point at me.

He turned around to reveal himself.

My eyes instantly widened.

"Hey!" he shouted as he ran to give me a hug. Picking me up and spinning me around in circles.

"Oh my god, how are you man?"

He smiled putting me down. "Great, I had no idea Niall was your boyfriend. Congratulations you two."

Niall and the others looked at each other confused.

"You guys know each other?" asked Harry.

Justin nodded, "Yea she's actually a good friend.. Is that Kelly back there?" he asked smiling.

She laughed, "Yea it's me."

He ran over to give her a big hug. "How are you?"

"Great thanks. How's your mom?" She said politely.

He smiled, "She's good, she actually asked about you two the other day."

"Wait how do you guys know Bieber?" questioned Liam.

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