Chapter One

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It was just another totally normal day for MoonWatcher of the NightWings, until, of course, it WASN'T A NORMAL DAY AT ALL.

Back it up.

So Moon was casually making dinner for her and her Family, which consisted of Qibli and their latest addition, Ebony, ALL OF A SUDDEN, there was a crash in the forest.

Now, you see, a sensible dragon would mind their own business and have nothing to do with the Mysterious Crash In the Forest.

But of course, trouble always has a way of finding the Jade Winglet. (Or, at least, the former Jade Winglet)

So, like the very NOT sensible dragon she is, Moon decided to check it out.

Long story Short, Moon now has a Scavenger.

It was laying in the corner. She thought it was sleeping. Nope, wait, scratch that, it was unconscious.

She sighed, and returned outside to check on dinner.

When she had returned, Ebony was staring at the Scavenger lying in the corner.

"Mommy? What's that funny looking thing in there?"

MoonWatcher smiles at her dragonet's antics.

"It's a Scavenger, honey. I think it's hurt."


Ebony then went outside, lost in thought.

The Camel Stew was ready, and Moon brought it inside to serve.

"Ebony! Honey! Come inside!"

The dragonet poked her head through the doorway.

"Yes Mommy?"

"Dinner is ready. You watch the the Scavenger, okay? I'll go get your father. Remember, stay in the house. I'll be right back."

Moon paused to brush her wings with Ebony's before she took off.

Moon touched down at the RainWing Village, and took a turn to their marketplace. There, she could see Qibli trading insults and laughs with Winter, as the IceWing snorted and rolled his eyes, making his own witty comment in response.

Moon smiled, and brushed one of Qibli's wings, effectively getting his attention.

"Dinner's ready." She said softly. Moon turned to Winter. "You're invited too, if you're wondering."

Winter gave a half smile. "Thanks. I've been wanting to see my Goddaughter for a while."

They arrived at Moon and Qibli's hut, Ebony waiting for them.

Winter sniffed the air. "Camel stew? Really?" He added in his best Mock-Haughty Voice, "We Royal IceWings shall not do such a treacherous thing as to eat common Peasant Food."

(Winter was un-banished by Queen Snowfall in the new book, in case you didn't know)

Moon giggled. "It's Ebony's favorite."

"Like me!" Qibli butted in, elbowing Winter in the side and wriggling his eyebrows. (I'm gonna say it one last time; YES DRAGONS HAVE EYEBROWS)

Winter only rolled his eyes in response as they walked in.

In the corner was Ebony, staring at a cage... not just a cage, there was a Scavenger inside.

Now Moon looked curious. "Ebony, where did you get that cage?"

"I makeded it." She replied shyly. "Does you likes it?"

The cage was a little lopsided and slightly funny looking, but it was sturdy.

Moon smiled. "I love it honey."

Ebony beamed with pride. She then saw Winter. "Who that?" She asked.

Qibli made a slight smile. "This is your godfather, Winter."

"Wassa Godfeather?"

Qibli couldn't help but chuckle at her mispronunciation. "A Godfather takes care of you if something happens to me or Mommy."

She tilted her head a little at Winter. "He looks kinda gwumpy- but I likes him! He's pwetty."

Winter felt overjoyed at that comment- although he felt slightly offended that a dragonet thought he looked grumpy. Like, he doesn't look grumpy! Not one bit! At all!

(Sure Wintey boi, surrreee. Keep dreaming)

Moon nudged Winter a little. "Go on, hug her."

Winter took a step, unsure. He was met by surprise when Ebony threw herself forward and awkwardly wrapped her wings around Winter for a hug.

He returned the favor and hugged her back.

Moon smiled. "Now that you two are acquainted, let's have dinner now, shall we?"
It was a very satisfying meal, with a nice dessert of Scavenger- I'm just kidding- Strawberries afterwards.

Winter asked questions about Ebony, and the Scavenger in the cage as well.

"I found her unconscious in the forest after hearing a loud crash while making dinner." Moon answered simply.

Winter cocked his head. "Are you sure the cage will hold when it wakes up?"

Qibli snorted. "Nope. We should probably get a metal one from the market."

The dragons eventually said goodbye, and eventually, after a lot of pestering from MoonWatcher, her daughter, Ebony, finally went to bed.

MoonWatcher looked at the Scavenger in the cage for a moment.

It was sleeping peacefully, an occasional twitch from one of its limbs.

Moon sighed and walked up to her and Qibli's room. She smiled at the sleeping dragon inside, walked over, and curled up against him.


Hi here's some more filler and cringe that I like to call Chapters. This is what happens after Ivy went unconscious.

I hoped you enjoyed!


The Kingdoms Will UniteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora