When the train came to our stop we got off and went to the front of the school. I pulled out my game.

"Yeah on second thought I'm not going." I said to Kou in all seriousness. The boys that got off with us laughed at my comment quietly, thinking I wouldn't hear them.

"Y/N" he scoffed "You need to. You can't just play on your switch all day" he said snatching it from my hands.

"I will literally tell all the bitches you have herpes." I snapped.

He grumbled and tossed it back making me fumble to quickly save it from falling on the concrete.

I glared at him letting him know he's lucky I caught it and walked away to the court yard to find a bench.

Kenmas POV:

Me and Kuroo got off the train and got to the front of school and the new girl almost immediately pulled out her switch again.

She then randomly said that she wasn't going to school. Me and kuroo giggled.

First impressions, she was interesting.

Her brother then scolded her and took her switch which made her pretty irritated. It reminded me of how kuroo does the same thing to me.

She walked off, but she wasn't joking when she said she wasn't going... because she walked to the court yard and continued playing her game.

I wish I could do that, but I'd get kicked off the volleyball team.

Her brother rolled his eyes and walked into the school.

"Hey Kenma, she kinda reminds me of someone." Kuroo scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"We should go get her before she actually doesn't go"
Kuroo said already walking, not giving me the chance to refuse.

Regular POV:

I felt someone watching me while I played. I couldn't see anyone around me so I just looked up at the the sky and closed my eyes. Inhaling the cold breeze as it passed through my hair.
While pulling out my pink tazer of course. You think that I, an alone women is stupid enough to close my eyes when someone is literally watching me? Ha, funny.

I kept my tazer ready right next to my leg as I continued playing, pretending I'm not aware of their gaze.

Out of no where 2 sets of shoes appear behind my screen and I pull my tazer and zapped it, as a warning.
I lay back and rest one of my arms on the bench, still waving around the tazer.

"So why are you stalking me exactly?" I interrogated.

"I'm not!! Put that thing away before you hurt someone!" The rooster said.

"Uh- yeah that's kinda the point." I said sarcastically.

Kenmas POV:

We had just walked up to this new girl as Kuroo suggested and her aura shifted to defense mode. She pulled out a pink tazer, scaring the shit out of Kuroo.

Kuroo didn't get scared often, so I was pretty amused.

"The bell is gonna ring and from the looks of it, your skipping?" Kuroo questioned.

"Yeah, and what about it?" She said, while putting away her death toy. Calming down a bit.

"As the captain of the volleyball team, I'm a model student and I'd have to report that to the principal if you do decide to skip." Kuroo said calmly.

She sighed and stood up putting her bag over her shoulder. "Mkay, Mr. model student" she said proceeding to walk away.

"She's intimidating." I whispered peering at Kuroo.

He started following after her.

   Regular POV:

I sat under an arch of the school building.

Rooster man came following right behind with pet cat.

"For fucks sake." I groaned as the two approached me again.

Mr. Model student laughed.

I scoffed "alright whatever I'll go quit following me before I get a restraining order."

"Wha- I didn't even say anything yet"

"Yeah but that's what you were gonna say." I coo'd starting to walk towards the school, them following behind.

"Your Kuroo Tetsurō right?" I spoke.

"....yeah? How'd you know that?"

"I heard how your team got to nationals like a year ago. Every school in America with a boys volleyball team knew you, and you too Kozume-San"

And just like that, the story begins.

An Introvert's Rebellion [Kenma x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now