The Aftermath

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"Great job as always." John said, walking up the stairs. "You really didn't need me there though; I didn't do anything except hand you a crowbar."

"Stop, just stop." Sherlock mumbled. "I need you on cases. I..." He trailed, pulling John in for a deep kiss. "I just need you."

"I need you too." John said after a few minutes of savoring Sherlock's lips. "Tea?" He asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Tea." Sherlock agreed, shutting his eyes and savoring the taste of John on his lips.

John fixed their tea before sitting down in his chair. "What have you been up to in my absence?" He asked curiously.

Sherlock said nothing, feeling a lump in his throat. "Oh you know...the occasional case." He dismissed in an odd voice.

"Ah" John said taking a sip from his tea. He placed his cup on the little table near his chair. "Come here." He said, looking up at Sherlock.

Sherlock dropped into John's arms in an instant, curling in them. "Nothing, I barely did anything."

"Did you spend the whole time alone?" He asked pulling Sherlock tightly to his chest.

"No, I went out on cases, Lestrade and I had a drink in his office." Sherlock mumbled into John's body. "I spent most of it alone, that's how I spend most of my time anyway. That's the agreement."

"I am glad you spent some time with Lestrade." John said, thinking about his words. "You don't have to be alone Sherlock." John said, running his fingers through Sherlock's hair. "If you meet someone that you have even the slightest interest in, please go for it, or something."

Sherlock nodded. "Yes I know...If that happens fine, you've got Mary and your actual life. I know the sexual aspect of our relationship will come to a close but for now I just...let me just have you for a bit, just you. I don't mind the waiting in between."

"Okay." John said. He lifted Sherlock's face to his and enveloped him in a deep, passionate kiss. Sherlock enjoyed the way John's lips tasted, the way his body lent into his, the slight movement from his toes wriggling; his toes always wriggled when he sat. "Makes waiting worth it."

"The way I find myself feeling." John droned in between kisses. "I can't believe there was ever a time in which we were not like this." John said diving back into Sherlock's lips.

"Well there wasn't really." Sherlock's words poured into Johns' mouth. "Take away the physical intimacy and you still have a close friendship. We speak to each other the same but you're holding me naked this time around."

"I like it better this way." John mumbled. He ran his hand down Sherlock's chest, pushing fabric out of the way so he could feel skin.

"I like the closeness." Sherlock mumbled. Sentences fell out of his mouth without thought. Being like this around John was like being high.

"I love it." John agreed. He ran his hands down the whole length of Sherlock's body, desperate to be as close to him as possible.

"I like being yours." Sherlock groaned a bit as John's hands fondled him.

"I love that you are mine." John said. Each movement was so wonderful, ever bit of him indulged in the task of melting himself into Sherlock.

Sherlock moaned at John's words. "Say I'm yours again." He muttered, his bruise fading from his neck.

John moved his lips right next to Sherlock's ear. "You. Are. Mine." John whispered sensually.

Sherlock dipped his head into John's shoulders. "Again." He demanded.

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