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Molly, any unscathed bodies?-SH

Yes. Are you working on a new case? Need to test bruising again? -Molly x


I will get him ready for you then. -Molly x

Unscathed, important they're unscathed. I need to see them form.-SH

[to Lestrade] I'm going to go beat bodies for an hour after that there better be a case for me understood?-SH

[Delayed] I will see what I can do, but cases don't just appear out of thin air. Did your talk with John not go so well? –GL

We came to an agreement.-SH
Well find something god anything for me to do or look at, I don't care if you kill the person yourself.-SH

I will see what I can do, but I am not going to kill anyone. -GL

Good to hear you sorted things out. -GL

Sorted things is not what I'd call it.-SH
He gets to get me out of his system, he'll stop when the baby comes because he'll love something more than the two people he's caught between and he'll remember just how happy Mary makes him. Then he'll be done with me and perhaps if he and Mary have a row or he needs to get some anger out he'll seek me again for the same purpose as before. We solve cases in the meantime just like before.-SH

That does not seem like a good solution for you at all. Can you really handle being with him, then sending him away to his real life? That seems pretty cold, even for you. –GL

But it's the best solution for him.-SH

But what about you? –GL

Who cares.-SH

[few hours later] Apparently there's a time limit on how many hours you can beat a dead body for.-SH

I don't care if you don't have a case I'm coming to the Yard anyway.-SH

Fine, I will see what I have for you to do. Maybe something as come up, I will have to check. –GL

I don't care.-SH

Sherlock punched the text bitterly, twisting the packet of cigarettes he bought in his coat pocket and walking in the Yard with a foul look on his face. He all but threw open Lestrade's door slamming it and pacing, much like he used to do when he was high.

"Something gruesome, I don't care if it's a cold case, just give me something to look at."

"You look terrible." Lestrade said turning away from Sherlock, and shuffling through some files. "I think I have something, just give me a moment to find it."

"Good" Sherlock shot back fidgeting. "It's better like this you know." He blurted out. "It's better this way."

"No its not." Lestrade said pulling out a file. "Here." He opened the file, and spread the images over his desk.

"Well there isn't any other way." Sherlock choked a little, eyes setting hard on the cold case.

"There is another way, you could stop this." Lestrade argued.

Sherlock said nothing for a few moments, his breath heavy. "Is there a reason, Lestrade, why the corpses you keep on showing me are couples who have had their heads bashed in?" His voice was soft and it only took a few moments to register he was wrong. They aren't a couple you're just seeing what you want to see.

"Not a couple, and you seem to favor head bashing currently." Lestrade said casually.

"Maybe its wishful thinking." Sherlock growled darkly before his mouth set in a thin line. "I know there's another way but he won't get me out of his system if he ignores it and it'll end poorly for him and Mary, besides I just want to know what it's like to have him for a little bit." His voice took on a smallness the D.I had only heard occasionally.

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