"What are you doing? Stop that!" Scott called as Derek's eyes began to change.

"He can't Scott, thats the point. We gotta get him out of here." I looked towards the jeep, "Open the door now." I ordered, helping Hale into the passanger seat as I slid into the back.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used okay?" "She's an argent, she's with them"

"Why should I help you?" the younger quizzed. "Because you need me"

"Scott, go!" I urged before Stiles drove away.


"Hey, try not to blled out on my seats, okay? we're almost there."

"Almost where? we can't take him home Stiles" I argued. "Why not?"

"You can't take me there. Not when I cant protect myself" Derek added as the jeep pulled over next to the pavement.

"Are you dying?"

"Not yet, I have a last resort?" Derek replied. "What do you mean? what last resort?"

"Start the car" Derek panted after rolling up his sleeve. "Now"

"Y'now I don't think you should be barking orders, with the way you look right now. If I wanted to, I could probab;y drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead."

"Start the car. Or I'm gonna rip your girlfriend's throat out. With my teeth," He threatened, his hand going to grab me after Stiles paused briefly.

"Oh I don't think so" I laughed, raising my hand to give him a brain aneurysm. He screamed for a second as I dropped my hand, Stiles immediately started the car.

"Head to the clinic, Scott's boss can probably help us right?" I suggested, texting Davina for any suggestions on how to fix Derek or any info on the hunter's bullets.

"Look if you don't find the bullet, I'm dead. If you wanna stay alive, you need me." I heard Derek persuade Scott over the phone. This was getting stressful.


I aided Derek as he hobbled into the animal clinic, setting him down on the table. D told us we need to find the name of the bullet, a casing or something to idnetify it before we even think about fixing it.

Like clockwork, Scott texted me a name as I got D on the phone.

"Does the name Nordic blue monkshood mean anything?" I asked my aunt.

"Yes, its a rare form of wolfsbane, get Scott on the phone, you're gonna need the bullet if you're gonna save this guy Belle." She answered as I nodded to Stiles as he texted his best friend the new details.

Derek took off his shirt, deep purple veins purtruding from the bullet wound. "When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me."

"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary is it?" Stiles complained as Derek shuffled, looking franctically through Deaton's drawers.

"If he doesn;t get here in time, there's a last resort. One of you is going to cut my arm off" He concluded holding up what looked to be a miniture chainsaw.

"Look Derek it's not going to come to that. I can perform a pain reduction spell if you want- take away some of the edge?" I propsed recieving a confused glance.

"Okay, but what are you anyway?"

"Its a long story, point is I can help you-"

"Oh I know you're not downplaying the fact you're part of the most powerful family on earth right now-" Stiles interupted as I let out a chuckle.

"Is anybody going to fill me in right now?" Derek groaned. "Fine, I'm the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall." I answered as his eyes widened.

"Wait, you're one of the tribrids?" Derek asked in shck as he plugged the mini chainsaw to the wall.

"You've heard of me? Fantastic." I retorted, light sarcasm laced in my voice. "Are you gonna let me help now or would you rather stand there in excrutiating pain?"

I mumbled the incantation as I foucsed my energy. "Is it working?!" Stiles asked as Derek's forearm began to emit a kind of glow momentarily. "Done."

The two boys watched me in amazement. "Well.." Stiles pressed "How does it feel?"

"I don't know, it feels more like I've been punched than shot though so thank you I guess" he finished with the smallest hint of a smile. "You still have to cut it off if he doesn't get here. Don't tell me you faint at the sight of blood Stiles"

"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!"

Derek threatened the boy once again, before hurling up black blood on to the floor. "How lovely."

"Now! you gotta do it now!" Derek called out as he hunched over.

"Oh god, alright here we go" he raised the saw, my eyes squinted as his face contorted, neithe rof us wanting to witness this."Stiles? Ari?!"

"Oh thank god-"

"What the hell are you doing!"

"You just prevented a life time of nightmares."

"Scott, the bullet." I reminded him. "Hand it over to him, quick."

Just as he was about to lean against the table, he fell unconsious , dropping the bullet to the ground.

"Scott get it!" I yelled out before dropping to the floor. "Oh my god"

"He's not waking up! I think he's dead!" 

"Not yet he's not" I cut in with a determinded expression plastered on my face. "Please don't hate me for this" I muttered before punching the man firmly, causing him to open his eyes.

"Scott. Bullet. Now," I barked, moving Derek towards the table. I grabbed the capsule, ripping it open with my teeth, pouring out the contents and lighting them on fire.

"I took the remains, smashing the contents into Dereks arm as he let out a scream. He was probably pretty thankful for that spell right about now.

The wound healed, we did it. "That was freakin awesome. And weirdly hot with the whole ripping it open woth your teeth thing" Stiles rambled before he could stop hi,self, his features widening with realisation as he said his thoughts out loud.

"Okay we saved your life. Which means you're gonna leave us alone! you got that? and if you dont I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and tell him everything-"

"You're gonna trust them?" The eldest cut in "You think they can help you?"

"Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are!"

"Hey he has a point Scott, I know we trust Allison but they're literally hunters. All I'm saying is that you need to be careful." I added.

"I can show you exactly how nice they are." Derek replied before driving the three of us to Beacon Hills care home.

He showed us his uncle, Peter. He was covered in burns, completey unresponsive to us. It was shocking really, how the Argent's slaughtered his family without a second thought. I felt a pang of sympathy in my chest, though I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. It felt like we had missed something, probably passing right under our noses. Oh well..


A/N: Absolutely no clue what to say here, until next time..

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