409 20 9

7:21 pm
Silva Pov

"Brother, we have to talk." I immediately grabbed Hisoka's right arm as soon as he left his sports car to ask what the hell is going on because I have a bad feeling about it all.

"Oh, Silva, sorry bro I'm in a hurry." He only grinned at me and proceeded with his date I barely get to see the face because the woman in question left in a hurry towards the main entrance. "I'm already late and I don't want to keep them all waiting for longer."

"Fine, I'll see you in your bar tonight."

"No promises bro. I'm going to be busy the whole night." He said and left in an instant." I had no other choice but to follow him in the dark to avoid attracting other guests' attention. Fortunately, Gotoh let me pass from the backdoor of the Main Hotel we own even if my father has banned me anywhere near our properties for the time being.

"Please keep a low profile Master Silva. I knew things could go down this way so I've prepared a set of clothing for you to change." Gotoh let me into the guard's quarters next to the back door and instructed his subordinates to look out for anyone from the family that may come.

"Seriously?" My forehead crumpled at the sight of a white double-breasted jacket, pants in a black-and-white houndstooth pattern, white apron and white hat sitting atop of them.

"Please remember you aren't supposed to be here."

"I won't take long."

"His—your younger brother will be surrounded and Master Zeno will be by his side at least until the reporters are contented with their interviews."

"Don't worry Gotoh. I got this." My personal butler looks like he has tons of things so warn me about, however, the longer I waste my time here, the higher risk. Changing clothes was a breeze. It was my long, wavy hair that took most of my time to bind and hide inside my white hat to maximize my disguise.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce my son Hisoka as the new CEO of Zoldyck Hotels and Spa Resorts." A round of applause filled the lounge of the fifty-story hotel we are in, the first and my father had a very satisfied smile plastered on his wrinkled face.

An expression we rarely, if not the first time to be seen in the history of our family. All I can remember as a child was his constant displeasure and annoyance with Hisoka as if he's an abomination of some sort after our mother dįed at his birth. A Posthumous Child.

"Please pardon my intrusion Mr. Zoldyck, but are you saying you stripped your Successor of his responsibilities and gave it to your—no offense—younger and no experience son?" The enthusiastic male reporter asked. Surprisingly, The whole murmuring groups of guests fell silent and all eyes darted to him. "Can he handle the problems that may occur in the future?"

"Oh, about that," Hisoka invited himself into their conversation, dragging someone I least expected to see tonight, onto the spotlight. "... Miss (Y/N) here will keep me focused. We are partners in crime."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at him before she forced a smile at the people taking pictures.

"Mr. Hisoka," one of the female radio hosts reached her recorder to attempt on interviewing the woman in a sparkling fiery-red halter gown that could get men forget their statuses in life, just to be able to taste even a fraction of that full on last supper type young meat. The continuation of the host's question attracted my attention back to reality when she asked something interesting. "... are you saying you are dating this beautiful girl?"

"Yes I am." He confidently smirked and squeezed lemon to my wounded pride and heart. "For almost half a year."

My father cut the others from asking irrelevant questions and told them the buffet table across my position was waiting for everyone to feast on. "Can I borrow my son for now? Enjoy yourselves everyone." He spoke on Hisoka's microphone and led him to a corner backstage in the middle of two grand staircases.

Meanwhile (Y/N) tried to escape to the back door so I followed her to confirm my suspicion. "(Y/N), can we talk?" I caught her wrist but she wriggled it off and jogged to the restroom instead.

Fortunately, she was too slow to shut the door due to her gown's restrictions. I successfully pinned her against the combination of maroon and cream in a vertically wallpapered wall. "Why aren't you answering my calls?"

"Silva stop, you're hurting me." She complained when all I did is limit her movements.

"I still don't know the reason why but did you plan this alongside with my brother?" I gritted my teeth to suppress the growing anger at the thought of her betrayal.

"What are you talking about?" She continued to fight her way out of my tight grip on her upper arms.

"Don't act innocent." I couldn't help but growl quietly, "I'm asking you to tell me if you both organized a plan to deceive me."

"W-wait, I..." Her stuttering gave it away, yet I still wanted to here it directly. "I... didn't know things will end up this way..."

"The brief introduction, sizzling seduction and short but sweet interaction since you dumped me last night through a single text and without a clear reason."

She couldn't look me in the eye and that was enough telling to crush my chest into a pulp. "I trusted you..." I sighed softly and smiled bitterly.

Deep in my mind I wanted to say offensive and degrading words, however, just imagining her crying when she hears those was more than enough to hurt me instead.

So I just left without saying goodbye.


I'm sorry for the wait, I was a bit preoccupied lately it's hard to imagine especially on the headcanon related books. Thank you for your patience and support. Goodnight even though it's around 5 am over here.^^;

Brothers Conflict (AU)(SilvaxReaderxHisoka) (Mature18+)Where stories live. Discover now