Preparing for Anarchy

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"Maybe it's not the right one for to try. Try this one it's called Pinot Noir" Ausra hands John a different glass. John drinks it and he is fond of the sweet taste. "It tastes dry but also sweet" John describing the taste of the wine. "That must be your flavor. Would you like more?" Agni asked and John nodded yes. As time passed majority of the group became more and more tipsy.

"Who stole my wine bottles from my cabinet?" Zadok wondering who was bold enough to take his wine. "What the-?" Zadok surprised to see the tipsy teens. "*Hic* J-John *hic did you know my brother is gay? *hic*" Agni was drunk and spitting out nonsense. "N-no idiot Radite's the gay one well technically he's bisexual anyway if one of us were to be gay it would be you *hic*" Zaccai was also drunk.

"Everyone is more lively, I guess that's only natural because they're drunk" John thought. "H-hey sexy boy why aren't you drinking more?" Radite crawls onto John with a drunk smile, eyes filled with lechery and hands revealing his desire. "Because I don't want to end up like you people. Now get off me you f*cking pervert" John slaps Radite hard. Cyrene shows up and kicks Radite's stomach. "Augh!" Radite grunts in pain.

"Seriously Radite don't you ever learn?" Cyrene agitated with Radite. "Thanks for doing tha-AAT!" John was surprised when Cyrene jumped on John. "Radite *hic* shouldn't be the one to have fun with you *hic* it should be me" Cyrene is moving her hips on John which caught him completely off guard. "Oh sh*t she's drunk too" John is worried what she might do next.

"John y-you want to me to do a striptease?" Cyrene says that in John's ear and Radite heard it. "John say yes!" Radite begged John to say yes to Cyrene. "What the f*ck?!" John is clearly surprised and doesn't know what to do in his situation. "Cyrene, you're drunk you need to wake up you don't know what you're doing" John tries to stop the drunk girl from doing something she'll regret. "If I didn't know what I was doing would I do this" Cyrene nibbles John's right ear. "Ngh" John was again caught off guard by Cyrene.

Ausra pulls Cyrene off of John. "Everyone stop harassing John it's bad enough he has to deal with Radite now but how you're behaving you're all encouraging him!" Ausra manages to calm everyone down with her words. "What are you imbeciles doing?!" Zadok screams at them. "It was all Agni's fault he took your wine!" Zaccai points all the blame to his brother. "Zac you traitor! Remember you drank some too so you're also at fault!" Agni gets up but loses his balance showing how intoxicated he is.

"Everyone stop fighting please. Bleh what is this drink?" Jade said but her voice was higher than normal. "Why is she acting like that is she that intoxicated?!" John concerned about Jade. "Oh great Oden came out" Said Ausra. "Oden?" John was confused. "That's right you don't know. Jade was kidnapped for a year as a child and because of that trauma she developed DID known as dissociative identity disorder. Oden is a 8 year old boy who is in charge right now" Ausra explained Jade's mentality.

"So that's what she meant by alters" John remembered what Jade mumbled. "Everyone who's not drunk take the drunk ones to the bedrooms! Now!" Zadok demanded. Later that night everyone was sleeping except for John who was outside staring at the stars wondering if it will continue to brighten the dark sky or if the sky will be engulf in darkness as he was projecting his thoughts on the world. For some reason John's heart was beating like crazy so he breaths in the cool air to calm himself down.

"You're out here too huh?" Said the gray haired girl. "Oh it's you Layina" John was startled for a second. " Yeah sorry if I startled you" Layina walks beside John and puts her arms on the railing. "How do you like it hear?" Layina asked without making eye contact. "I'm not too sure yet, you guys went through some f*caked up things because of society but I'm not sure if I'm 100% okay here. Even though I feel this way some part of me feels I can rely on you guys." John replied.

Loyalty and Rebellion|UnOrdinary|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin