Battle Tendency 24

Start from the beginning

"I was a fool to rely solely on my eyes simply because I could see

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"I was a fool to rely solely on my eyes simply because I could see. He exploited my weakness." He revealed his horn posing. "Now with this horn, I shall see by wind, not light!" He back flipped himself back on his chariot holding the reins while everyone watched in anticipation.

"So he flipped hi mental switch by gouging his eyes out...what a rather bizarre way to perform a ritual." You muttered. "But since he is able to regenerate it should not be a serious injury or a hindrance for future missions."

"That is true." Kars agreed to your statement. "Wamuu had rid himself of all psychological weakness. Now he can sense the wind. He can see more now than ever."

"So what if you poked your eyes out! You think you can psych me out with that? We lost Caesar as a fighter! Your eyes are nothing compared to that!" Joseph declared grimly focusing back at the track.

"Which crossbow will you take?" The vampire asked the brunette tiredly.

"Do you really have to ask? Isn't it obvious?" The Joestar grinned snatching his weapon of choice. "I am taking the giant one! Its power cannot be beat!" then the vampires started to sicker evilly.

"It does have power." The fat and smaller one confirmed.

"Yeah, lots of power." The taller one replied as Wamuu's chariot dashed past them taking the small crossbow.

Your golden eyes dilated. "Joseph seems to have trouble with his weapon."

"No! I cannot pull it! It is so tough! How am I supposed to draw this thing?" Joseph gritted frustrated while the two vampires laughed at his misery.

"You got greedy! You need a mechanical device to draw even a standard crossbow. You just for your deserts, you greedy fool!" The exclaimed hollering.

"You have a bad taste, choosing minions like these." You criticized Kars openly critizising him. "I mean are you for real? They are rude, unsightly and their manners are no-existent, they make me want to throw up."

"When you join us you have my permission to get rid of them do you take me p on my offer?" Kars offered you but you just rolled your eyes annoyed at this whole situation, why would they not let me take care of all of them it would be way easier.

"Please Kars, your company for all eternity sounds even worse, truly I have my reasons for not joining, good reasons to be exact; one of them is.... you." You taunted the Pillar man he only scoffed in response focusing back observing the battle.

"I will use the first bullet to grasp the wind." Wamuu announced aiming and shooting barely missing the brunette who had to jump on one of the horses to save himself. "I have grasped the distance between us. The next shot will strike you dead!"

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