Chapter 2

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"Mia," my dad exclaimed, exasperated. "You'll need more than two small bags for a year in California!" I smirked, knowing what would come next. "Father, these are just my shirts. I have AT LEAST five suitcases already packed in the back. The chauffeur 'oh so kindly' put them away for me!"
I watched my dads slightly disappointing look turn into bewilderment as shock spread across his handsome features. He was an exact replica of Chris, just with a few more worry lines and the fact that my dads in his late forties and my brother is only twenty-one. The same chiseled looks, and physique. Odd, I know, to call my dad good looking. But I mean, he IS an underwear model after all.
"Oh..." he simply stated. "then maybe you overpacked." Nonetheless, he let the chauffeur open his door for him as he crawled in U-shaped back of the spotless, gleaming dark as night limo. keeping my duffle and book bags with me I follow suit, and immediately gasped. Mini fridge, personal TVs, headsets, and I'm pretty sure if in little alchemyI turned around just so, a HOTTUB. In a limo!
Now it was my dad's turn for a sky smile to consume his face. "Not bad, eh?" That little shit. Born and raised in Canada so he feels he has the right to their odd sayings. Although i must admit, I quite enjoy speaking with their weird lingo. "Yes, it's quite..." I trailed off. No words could ever be used to describe this. Maybe extravagant. but that's all. Anything else would be an understatement. After we settled in, I played games on my phone and watched Mean Girls for probably the tenth time. the rest of the ride went by in a blur, as did the plane ride, hours mashing together until I stood outside the airport in cCalifornia. Again, a limo was ready for us, a chauffeur holding a giant cue card with "Monroe" on it. Just like in the movies. "Yes," my dad laughed. Exactly like that!" Woah I didnt mean to say that out loud! I must be over awed. Or over tired. A one way flight from Maine to California was rather long! "I'm excited to spend time with you, Mia Bia." Oh god, my dad's brought out his nicknames again. I played along. "Me too, Phillipher."
My dad was a goofy guy. Always there for me and Chris, playing games and acting like a four year old, except when he had to go away for business and he sent his friend Jack over. I haven't seen him since I was just eight years old and I have to say I was excited tower him again. But boy was I going to miss Maine. my dad lived close to the border so he could visit his home country whenever. Stacey, my best friend, I left her all alone back there! Well alone with our group of girls, my boyfriend Kane and her boyfriend Jeffery. And Kane. I sighed heavily. Id miss him the most.
"...and we can go to the beach right away!" my dad was saying, tearing me away from my deep thoughts. "Huh? Yeah sure Dad, sounds great." He must if heard my tone of voice, because he left me alone for the whole hour of driving. I barely remember arriving at the beach house, servants coming and taking all my bags and standing with my Dad.
"So," my Dad said nervously! twiddling his thumbs. "What do you think?"
I looked up from my shoes: and almost fainted. The house -should it even be called a house?- stood before me, at least 4 storeys tall, a roman-like complexion to it, and just beautiful. The marble pillars wound it's way around the house, everything an amazing white pearl colour except the sidings on the windows which were baby blue. The stone path made its way to me, and as I follow it, speechless, I found myself looking down to the beach. the sea was so beautiful, the Olympic sized pool and hot tub couldn't compare. I was vaguely aware of holding onto my dad's arm and murmuring, "Oh my god" before I suddenly found myself in my room. The whole fourth floor was mine! it had a small kitchenette, a huge bathroom complete with shower and a tub bigger than my old room in Maine. A queen sized bed, multiple oak dressers and other drawers were scattered around my new room. Good lord, I loved it here already!
Exploring the third floor now (I took the circular staircase down) I could see one room take up half this floor, and a gaming room/theatre take up the other. opening the door I let myself into the bedroom, noticing that 1) somebody lived here and
2) they were messy.
Their room was the same as mine just slightly smaller. For the first time since I Came in I heard music. No wait, SINGING. Whoever this mystery singer was they were really good. And male. And about to wall put of the bathroom! Crap! I ran I to the closet, a walk-in like mine, and stood silently.
Out through the bathroom door came a man, steam billowing out behind him. He wore a towel around his waist. This man had sharp features, close-cropped dirty blonde hair and AT LEAST an eight pack. He was still singing.
I couldn't help but watch as he went around the room, picking up a plaid blue shirt and khakis. Just a second too late late I realized what was going to happen. Mystery Man dropped his towel. I shielded my eyes and tried not to scream. Soon after, he left and I realized that this was my father's oldest, best and very attractive best friend. I just knew I was going to have to introduce my self to Jack Fletcher.

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