...Must Also Come Great Responsibility

Start from the beginning

"Hey Uncle Ben," said Peter, swallowing nervously.

Ben opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally deciding on, "Where were you? Are you alright?"

The brunette nodded. "I just--um--went down to the corner store. Yeah."

His uncle just ran his fingers through his hair before motioning to Peter to get in the car.

The teenager felt extremely guilty about lying, especially since he knew that his uncle would not fall for a half-eaten lie like that.

When they reached the house, Ben headed inside while Peter took a moment to slip the envelope inside the mailbox.

This incident happened on Saturday.

The next day was Sunday.

After brushing his teeth, Peter headed downstairs, and noticed his aunt and uncle speaking in hushed tones at the dining table. Simultaneously, they turned around, and gestured for him to sit.

"Is everything okay?" he asked hesitantly.

Ben looked at him. "Peter. You've been acting strange ever since the field trip to Oscorp."

The brunette swallowed nervously. "What do you mean?"

May rubbed her forehead. "You've become more distant. Harry mentioned you fell asleep during class."

Peter froze. He remembered closing his eyes during class...but had he really slept through the entire class?

Shaking his head, the teen said "I'm fine, just tired."

His aunt nodded. "I've got to get to work. Claire can't come in today, something about other commitments."

Claire Temple was one of May's fellow nurses at the hospital. Peter had never met her, because she was always so busy. With what she was busy with was honestly a mystery.

After May headed out the door, Peter took a step towards the stairs to head to his room, but his uncle stopped him by laying a heavy hand on his shoulder.

Peter turned around with a questioning look on his face.

"Pete. Both you and I know that you didn't go to the library, or the corner store yesterday. The librarian hadn't seen you inside the entire day. I haven't told your aunt yet, but I will if you don't explain. If you're involved with the wrong kind of people, please tell us. We can help you."

It took a moment for the teenager to fully process what Ben said.

"Wha--Uncle Ben! I'm not on drugs! I'm not part of some gang or whatever you think, I swear, it's nothing like that!"

His uncle just shook his head. "Then what is it like? Where did the money come from?"

"What money?" he asked, trying to play it off.

Ben held up the envelope. "I want to know what's going on."

Peter's temper flared.

"I'm fine okay? Would you just stop micromanaging my life? I wanted to help out with the bills! It doesn't matter where I got the money. It's not like I did something illegal!"

"Actually, it does matter where you got the--"

"WOULD YOU STOP? I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP!" shouted Peter angrily.

Ben stared at him, with shock. His nephew had just yelled. Sure, it was normal for teenagers to rebel at his age, but Peter had never yelled like that before.

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