Finally Saved-Chapter 9

Beginne am Anfang

After I finished his leg, I moved to his side. This one was very deep. Putting the needle down, I started my healing.


Fifteen long agonizing minutes later, I fully completed stitching up Matthews wounds. Closing up the first aid box, I looked at Matthew and saw he was staring at me like he was trying to figure me out.

"You just need to rest. You should be better in a couple days, just try not to move that much or the stitches will come out" I said.

Slowly getting up, he limped over towards me. Staying completely still, I waited to see what he was going to do.

Hopefully he wouldn't hurt me, I mean I did just help him.

Opening his mouth, he licked the whole side of my face. Giggling, I petted his head.

"You're welcome" I said.

We sat at the edge of the forest for about an hour until I knew my father would be coming home any minute.

"Goodbye Matthew. For now." I said, petting behind his ear one last time, before I gave him a soft kiss.

Getting up off the ground, I grabbed the kit, and jogged up to my house. When I got back to my room, I saw Matthew turning around and getting ready to leave. But not before looking back at me one last time.


Luke's POV

When I saw that Hailey was our waitress, my heart started racing a hundred miles a minute. I just noticed that Ashley was still clinging to my arm. I swear she is the most annoy person I've ever known. She thinks her and her minions can hang out with my group because I'm the alpha

Trust me, you have no idea how much I just want to tell her off, but since I'm the alpha I can't say that to one of my pack members.

When my beautiful mate looked over at me for my drink, I just noticed how beautiful her eyes were.

Nudging me in the stomach, Ryder looked at me and nodded at Hailey. He knew that she was my mate since that day we were in gym class.

She looked over at me, "What can I get you?" Her soft angelic voice spoke.

Looking back up at her, I blinked and cleared my throat, "Um, I'll just have a coke"

Nodding she wrote down something, which I assume was my order. Turning around she left us to probably get our drinks.

"She's such a dork" I heard Ashley say.

Growling slightly I turned towards her. No one calls my mate names especially since she will be their Luna soon.

"You should watch what you say" My voice spoke out, deep and over laid with power.

Ashley shrunk back in surprise and scare.

"Why would you defend her?" She asked.

Straightening my posture, I looked her in the eyes, I knew my eyes were changing to pitch black because my wolf was coming out.

"Because, she holds power that you don't know about" I hissed, through clenched teeth.

"Quiet, she's coming back" Ryder said.

Turning around I saw that he was right, coming towards us Hailey held the tray of drinks in the palm of her right hand. She looked like a pro.

Calming down my anger, I looked towards Ryder.

"Are my eyes normal?" I asked threw mind link.

Nodding his head, he turned back towards Hailey.

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