Chapter 12

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Friday~ At School

Alisa: Here's my Science project Ms. Nina!

Ms. Nina: Good job with your solar system project, I will mark it when the rest of the class has completed their project.

Alisa: Thank you Ms. Nina!

Ms. Nina: You're free to leave now.

When Alisa leaves the classroom Xiaoyu comes up to her.

Xiaoyu: Hey Alisa!

Alisa: Oh hey Xiaoyu! What's going on?

Xiaoyu: Nothing much, anyways did you finish your solar system project? Because I did.

Alisa: Oh, yeah I finished it and handed in to Ms. Nina.

School Announcements: Attention! All members of the Yearbook club are about to have their first meeting in the library in 4 minutes so make your way down to the library. Thank you!

Alisa: In 4 minutes?! Oh no! I have to go now! See you later Xiaoyu!

Xiaoyu: See you later!

Alisa rushes down the hallway and then entered the library.

Alisa: *opens the door* Am I late?

Librarian: No, you're not. Just in time.

Alisa: Oh thank goodness!

Librarian: Now, come in and please take any seat you can sit.

Alisa: Okay. *Sits down in a chair that's close to the corner of the library* *looks to her right side* Oh! Hey Christie!

Christie: Hi Alisa! You joining the yearbook club?

Alisa: Yeah, I am. Oh and I thought you're joining the dance club..

Christie: Well, I was but I decided to take a break from dancing for once. So then I decided to join the yearbook club!

Alisa: Wow! That's amazing!

Librarian: Alright students settle down. Let's get this over with today's meeting about the yearbook club.


Xiaoyu: How did it go with your Yearbook club meeting?

Alisa: It went well. *sigh*

Miharu: Are you okay Alisa?

Asuka: Yeah you seem down..

Alisa: Well, on Tuesday..

Lili: What about Tuesday?

Miharu: Did something happen on Tuesday?

Alisa: Well, It's about Lars and-

Xiaoyu: Ohhh and what about him? Did he ask you to be his girlfriend yet?

Miharu: Xiaoyu!

Asuka: Let her finish!

Lili: Bruh..

Xiaoyu: Right, sorry!

Alisa: He asked me if we're ever going to have another date..

Xiaoyu, Miharu, Asuka & Lili: And?

Alisa: I said that I wasn't sure...

Xiaoyu: Why?

Alisa: Well it's because of his fangirls..what if they come over to me and attack me? You know I hate those fangirls!

Asuka: Well we do agree that Lars' fangirls are total witches but at least they aren't as worse as Harper Thompson..

Alisa: Who's Harper Thompson?

(A/N: I'm sorry if your name is Harper..!)

Asuka: Well she's way worse than the other fangirls! Better yet, Lars' number one fangirl!

Alisa: What makes her the worst fangirl?

Lili: Harper Thompson one time put Poison Oak in some random girl's lunch, the girl was itching sooo bad that she had to eat tiny bits of sand paper to scratch her insides and take cool showers to ease the itching every 2 hours...but luckily the girl eventually got better..

Alisa: *gasps and shivers* That's seems awful! I hope that Harper girl doesn't do the same thing to me!

Miharu: Oh she won't be, why? Because she got suspended for a month and then when she got back to school she tries to find some ways to stop girls coming up to Lars but luckily she's not going to do the same strategy as last time.

Alisa: What is she thinking of doing this time?

Asuka: Who knows?

Xiaoyu: Just so you know if you want to know what Harper looks like, she has Blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes with a terrible attitude!

Alisa: I'll keep that in mind. Oh anyways I have to go home now. Goodbye ladies!

Xiaoyu, Miharu, Asuka & Lili: Bye Alisa!

**At home**

Dr. Bosconovitch: So how was your day at School?

Alisa: Just the usual, nothing new.

Dr. Bosconovitch: Alright, anyways you can go upstairs and finish the rest of your homework.

Alisa: Okay, thanks father! *goes upstairs*

While Alisa is upstairs, she goes into her room, sits down at her desk and finishes her homework. After she finishes her homework, she decided to read a book after. But then Alisa got a text message from her phone.

  You're going to pay for stealing my Larsy...
                                                 -Harper Thompson

Alisa: Oh no...I have to tell Xiaoyu! *texts Xiaoyu*

**Xiaoyu's perspective**

While Xiaoyu is working on her homework, she got a text message from Alisa.

Xiaoyu: Oh text message! *checks message*

  Xiaoyu! Code red emergency! Remember the Harper Thompson girl that you were telling me about? Well somehow she found my number! Tell the other girls ASAP! -Alisa

Xiaoyu: Oh no! Harper somehow found Alisa's number?! I have to tell Miharu, Asuka and Lili! *texts the girls*

To Be Continued~

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