Part 5 || practice

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Sunghoon's POV

Sunghoon: "why were you crying y/n?" She looked up at me nervously

Y/N: "what are you talking about?" She wasn't? But her eyes are red

Sunghoon: "never mind" she nodded and continued eating. She's probably just tired we've been having a lot of practices lately

<time skip>

Sunghoon: "let's go?"

Y/N: "mhmm!" We walked to the ice rink talking about the strengths and weaknesses of our opponents

Sunghoon: "so from what I know they're really good in coordination but their spins aren't that good"

Y/N: "ohh ok not bad but this duo might be our hardest" she said showing me their picture on her phone "they're literally perfect and their moves are flawless" she frowned slumping down

Sunghoon: "hey don't worry too much, we're gonna beat them for sure!" She smiled and we entered the ice rink

<time skip>

Y/n excitedly wore her skates and went ahead to the ice rink. We were quite early so our coach isn't here yet meaning we could do whatever we want in the mean time.

Y/N: "WOHOOO!" She yelled inside the whole ice rink spreading her arms opens and gliding through the ice while closing her eyes feeling the breeze. Her hair brushing against her face, freely moving in the open space looked like she was in paradise. I smiled watching her enjoy herself as I entered the rink as well. I look at our shoes and I smile remembering the time we gave them to each other

Sunghoon: "enjoying yourself y/n?" She stopped and looked at me

Y/N: "of course every time I'm on the ice I just feel-" she stopped not knowing what to say "I just- I just feel free" she glided away doing random tricks

I followed behind her and we did our own stunts while laughing and smiling to ourselves. This was heaven for us, this is where we felt at home.

Coach: "I see you guys just having fun eh?" We stopped as she caught our attention


Y/N: "o-OH! Hi Ms.Kim" (I'll just type coach tho cuz it's easier hehehe)

Coach: "hello y/n and Sunghoon, I see that you guys have warmed up already, so why don't we get started?" We nodded and went to the middle in our starting positions. Our starting position was us with our arms out facing the crowd and we were holding each other's hand

The music started and we glided away from each other doing our own routine complementing each other's performance. We did some tricks and spins together and we landed our ending pose which is Sunghoon holding my back as I'm bending back and my arm was around his neck/shoulders the other was in a pose and Sunghoon's free hand was also in an ending pose

Coach: "ok it was great! All we need to do until next week is to polish your moves then you're done!" We stood up from our ending positions and smiled to each other "but" she continued and we looked at her curiously "the ending pose is kinda awkward so Sunghoon I want you to look at y/n and y/n you look back at Sunghoon ok?" We both slowly turned to each other and blushed nervously "ok from the top!" We went back to our positions and executed our planned routine

The ending pose came and I suddenly remembered what coach said. I gulped but did it anyway. Sunghoon caught my back and we both stared into each other's eyes panting. I felt something in me... something weird. I felt something funny in me as I looked at him

Coach: "ok good! But this time I want it to look sincere you guys look awkward at the end aren't you guys best friends or something?" We both nodded "then do it right!" I sighed frustrated and so did Sunghoon, she's strict and annoying sometimes but when she's not training us she's actually really fun.

We did our routine again and here comes the ending. I glided to Sunghoon and he twirled me around catching my back. We stared at each other but this time it wasn't awkward. There's this feeling inside me but I don't know what it means

Sunghoon's POV

I caught y/n's back and I stared into her eyes. They were so compelling, I can't help but to stare at them. How did I not notice her beauty before? Why am I having these thoughts all of a sudden?

Coach: "that's great! Now let's just keep practicing until we end" I pulled her up and we both smiled nervously. Why're we so awkward just now?

<time skip>


Coach: "great job guys! You can go home now, we're finished already" wow I didn't even notice that was actually pretty fast

Sunghoon: "careful don't dull your blades" (I'm sorry I don't know any ice skating terms and what not so please bare with me 😣)

Y/N: "I'm not I'm already putting on their protectors" I showed him as I was placing them and he chuckled. We packed our stuff and started walking home

Sunghoon: "by the way... were you really ok a while ago? Cause it looked like you just cried"

Y/N: "wh-what? You're crazy, I was just probably tired" he still didn't seem to believe me but I quickly changed the topic before he asks anything more "like this how about I treat you some food tomorrow? Sounds good?" He smiled

Sunghoon: "yes! Free food! You're the best y/n!" He hugged me tight spinning me around.

Y/N: "ok enough we're here already goodnight!"

Sunghoon: "ok ok goodnight y/n love ya!"

Y/N: "ew you're so cringey" I scrunched my nose opening my door

Sunghoon: "fine don't say it I know you love me anyway" he teased back and I just dropped my mouth dramatically

Y/N: "so prideful *tsk* but yeah love ya too!" We chuckled and I closed the door just to see my whole family looking at me weirdly

Mom: "who was that?"

Y/N: "oh it was just Sunghoon, we came from ice skating practice remember?" I told my mom taking a seat on the dinner table

Mom: "oh ok but then why did you guys say I love you?" My brother suddenly widened his eyes and slightly slammed his hands on the table

Jay: "are you guys dating?!" This time I was the one to ball my eyes out

Y/N: "WHAT?! NO! We're not dating! We just say I love you as best friends" I gave them a you're-crazy look then I saw both my parents sigh in relief

Dad: "ok good" Huh? I turn to him confused

Y/N: "what's that suppose to mean?" My parents looked at each other and I looked at Jay to see if he knew what they were talking about but he shrugged his shoulders meaning he didn't know

Mom: "nothing honey, just continue eating ok?" I nodded hesitantly but forgot about it soon enough

But my only question now is, what was that feeling I had a while ago with Sunghoon?

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