




I found the child's mom and they hug to each other, she then thanked me repeatedly and I reassured her that there was no need for anything in return. The kid also hugs my leg as I smile softly at him. It was so damn nice... We waved our goodbyes and parted ways.

'Oh, how I wish we could have I child on our own! We could take a stroll at the park and then play soccer. Maybe even have him in one of my Radio Shows! That would be fantastic! A dream come true!' I fantasize in my head. With a sigh, I skip over to the park again.





"Helloooo?" I answered my phone.








"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" I sequel, accidentally using my quirk at the same time.


"Oops, I broke my phone again..." I said to myself, sheepishly while staring at my now broken phone. 

'Great, I have to buy another one,' I thought as I drag my hands in my hair, I sigh.




But who cares, today was indeed a wonderful day~!

With that, I quickly run back home to get some stuff.


A few hours ago before the call...


Detective Tsukauchi's POV

As Recovery Girl and I were waiting for the blood results of Izuku, we were chatting about Toshinori being a reckless idiot again.

After a few moments later, we were called, so, we can gain more information about the baby. 




As we enter, the leader of the department of this section, Nagai Michi, turns to us, away from her desktop, and sighs audibly and said, "I'm really sorry to inform you, Detective and Recovery Girl, but we got no records in the server about him..." 

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