NAME: Shota Aizawa

AGE (current): 20


BIRTHDAY: November 8

OCCUPATION: Pro Underground Hero


QUIRK: Erasure

QUIRK DESCRIPTION: By looking at them, the user can temporarily erase the person's quirk.

DRAWBACKS: The quirk will only work if the user's eyes are open continuously and the user can see the opponent's body. This causes the user to have dry and irritated eyes. The user cannot also make opponents with mutant types quirk disappear, only unable to use.

EFFECT: Causes the user's hair to float and their eyes to glow red.


NOTE: He isn't a teacher here yet, considering, it is only 2 years since his career started (at the age of 18-19 most likely is the earliest one can become a pro hero), so, he still has a lot of free time in the morning to take care of a baby, as he patrols at night and his husband is free at night, as he is also not a teacher yet and his Pro Hero job and Radio Shows are done in the morning. Therefore, they can switch turns in staying with Izuku.



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NAME: Naomasa Tsukauchi

AGE (current): 22




ALIAS: True Man

QUIRK: Lie Detector

QUIRK DESCRIPTION: The user can activate the quirk via verbal response, seeing if the other is telling the truth or not.

DRAWBACKS: Loopholes are present and the quirk can't be used if the person signs or write their replies. The user cannot also detect a lie if the recipient does not believe he or she is lying.



NOTE: Since there wasn't any information about his quirk in the canon. I went with his rumored quirk.



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NAME: Hajime Shinso

AGE (current): 19


BIRTHDAY: February 18

OCCUPATION: Quirk Specialist; Neurologist

QUIRK: No Sleep

QUIRK DESCRIPTION: The user simply does not sleep.

DRAWBACKS: The user has insomnia.

EFFECT: The user cannot feel tiredness and exhaustion.


NOTE: I got this from Pinterest, so, credits to that person. He is 19 here since he graduated 2 years early because of studying in his free time because he couldn't sleep.



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NAME: Chiyo Shuzenji

AGE (current): 34

GENDER: Female


OCCUPATION: Pro Hero; Professional Doctor

HERO NAME/ALIAS: Recovery Girl


QUIRK DESCRIPTION: Allows the user to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person. The user can control how much a person's healing factor is boosted, not healing the recipient completely, but leaving them with more remaining stamina than they would have had otherwise. The user also cannot help heal or regrow lost body parts.

DRAWBACKS: The process is fueled by a large amount of life energy that comes from the recipient, and could potentially drain enough energy to kill the said recipient.

EFFECT: The user seems to be able to stretch her lips to an abnormal length.


NOTE: She is not that yet old in the timeline that I am writing, so, I search for a picture close to her prime appearance.


NOTE: (first name, last name) order is used here


Word Count: 849


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