7: There's More Of You?

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While I do have accelerated healing, it still leaves the scars of larger wounds, like burns. The bullet wound on my shoulder from when Nat had shot me was also a new scar. I wrap my arms around myself and dig my nails into my arms, trying to focus on the current physical pain and bury the past pain of my nightmares. 

Around five o'clock I decided that going to the track in the training room might be a good idea, I could do with a nice jog. I changed into some workout clothes that covered all my visible scars before I splashed water on my face and stared at my reflection in the mirror, rubbing my hands lightly over the bags under my eyes. 

I had made it down part of the hallway before a door next to me opened and Steve stepped out. He looked up at me in surprise before giving me a small smile. "What are you doing up this early?" He whispers as I nod at him in acknowledgment. 

"Oh.. Um well I couldn't sleep so I thought I might go run a few laps around the track." I whisper back. 

"I'm going to run a trail that wraps around the compound, it's much longer. Sam is already out there but if I remember correctly you could easily keep up with me. Would you like to join?" He offers, I nod and follow him as he heads out of the building. 

The trail was a four and a half mile loop around the facility and a large outdoor field behind it. Steve told me Thor uses it when he travels back to his home realm, much to Tony's annoyance since each time he leaves or visits a scorched design is left in the grass. 

After about one mile of me keeping up with Steves pace with ease and without even breaking a sweat he lets out an amused chuckle. "So, I hope you don't mind me asking this and if you don't want to answer I totally understand.. but why do I get the feeling that Bucky doesn't remember you at all." Steve asks, glancing down at me to see my reaction. 

I refuse to meet his eyes, probably showing more of a reaction by doing that than if I had actually looked at him. I cleared my throat before replying, "Pierce saw that my presence distracted him even when he was in Winter Soldier mode. I guess that was a big reason as to why I was in the building while he was sent up to the Helicarrier without me to back him up. So after that bridge attack, Pierce wiped him again and that caused Bucky to forget about me too." I finally flick my eyes to Steve.

He was facing forward, his brows furrowed. Before I could add anything I saw Sam ahead of us, puffing up a storm as he was running. "On your left." Steve called out as the both of us passed by Sams left side. 

"Oh come on! There's more of you?" Sam yelled incredulously, causing Steve to send him a smile back before turning back around. 

"There's more, but I gather you knew that." I resumed our conversation and when he nodded I continued, "After that Project Insight disaster in DC, I went on the run and had successfully kept myself hidden with the exception of the one time Nat found me. After a few months though, Bucky found me. I helped pry some memories loose, most of them were when you were much tinier and kept getting in fights." I pause and let out a breathy laugh and Steve laughs with me.

"I also uncovered all the memories he had of me, and the feelings that were associated with the memories..." I trail off in a mix of thought, not actually being able to put it into words. 

Luckily Steve understood, "Strong feelings." Was all he said and I nodded and cleared my throat, "Anyway, HYDRA ended up finding him and followed him to my apartment and after we escaped I could hear his mind planning out how we would stay hidden. I wasn't ready to be found by anyone and I knew that he was being searched for by you and HYDRA and that it was only a matter of time before he was found. I don't know maybe it was just because I was scared..."  I trail off.

The Dark Heart(B.Barnes)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ