"Sing Me To Sleep"

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Show me the entrance that leads to courage
Hold my hand and help me resurface
The more I fight this curse
The more it starts to get worse
Wait for me at the exit of recovery
The place where we'll meet
As we're captivated by each others eyes
Sing me to sleep
Empty my ashes into the river
Let the water carry me wherever
Shape my sadness into a smile
Draw a picture of me before I was exiled
Understand the way I think
Please, don't let it be for nothing
Don't leave
It's exactly what I'm afraid of
Don't use my fear against me
I'm on a swing
Going back and forth with my feelings
So talk sweet
That's all I need
I'm finally beautiful
As I should be
Heal the skin that is scarred
Stitch together what's torn apart
Speak the words that I need spoken
Touch the life to be unbroken
I can't defend
Myself in the end
I'm only alive
When I'm happy inside
You were with me after all
I can hear the angels call
Telling me to clos my eyes
Whispering in the dark at night
Good dreams are to come
I'll just have to wait
And see
In the meantime
Sing me to sleep

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