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It's seven in the morning and New has been staring at his phone while he waits for the water to boil. Tay has not been in contact with him the whole day yesterday and no messages from him have been received this morning either. He's getting paranoid again as he remembers the first night of Tay in Chiang Mai.

"So, where are you now?" New asked holding his phone in front of him as he was video-calling with Tay.

"Here, on the balcony of our hotel room. The breeze feels cold and fresh here, Hin."

"Our?" New got confused. "You got someone in the room with you?"

"Oh yeah. Lee and I share the same room. He's on his bed-"

"FOR TWO WEEKS?" New was shocked by the information that he let his emotions get the better of him.

"Aw, Hin, you scared me! Why are you shouting two weeks? I told you, right? We will be here for two weeks."

Yeah. You told me you would be there for two weeks. You just omitted the most important part - that you'll be sleeping in the same room with a snake. 

"Y-yeah. Yeah. Sorry." New apologized for the sudden outburst.

"Everything okay?" Tay asked with a worried face.

New just gave a short 'hmm' and let Tay do most of the talking that night.

New chose not to say anything and tried to convince himself that nothing could possibly happen in a span of two weeks. Never in his life did he ever believe that Tay is capable of cheating on him.

His thoughts were disrupted by the whistling of the kettle. He turned off the stove and put water in his cup for his morning coffee. 

"Good morning, New." Mint greeted as he stepped into the kitchen holding her round tummy.

"Good morning, Mint. How are you feeling?" New asked as he settled down his coffee on the table and sat across Mint.

"I'm fine. Luna's been moving a lot. I think she wants her mommy to wake up already so I did." She answered as she watched New puts brown rice and steamed fish on her plate.

"She must be excited to come out."

Mint looked at her tummy and said, "She must be."

New looked at her with admiration. "You're going to be a great mom, Mint."

Mint just responded with a small smile. 

New's phone suddenly rang. His face lit up when he saw the caller id.

"Don't wait up, Finish your food and just leave the dishes be. I'll take this outside." He said to Mint and bolted right towards the door.


"Te?" New said with enthusiasm as soon as he picked up.

"Hi, Hin."  

"Hi, Te. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I just woke up. Sorry, I was not able to reply to your messages yesterday. I was dead tired. I didn't even shower and just went straight to bed. Yesterday was so hectic and we were in a place where there was no communication signal."

"Oh. That's why my calls could not go through yesterday. I've tried to call you multiple times."

"Yeah. Sorry about that, Hin. I didn't know about the lack of signal there. How about you, Hin? How are you?"

"Worried. But I'm good now that I'm talking to you."

"P'Taaaay!" Tay was about to speak when New heard a voice in the background on Tay's end.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now