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When Tay woke up the next day, he didn't find New next to him on the bed. He checked his phone and no text messages from New came.

Did he come home last night? Tay wondered.

Few seconds later, a familiar scent activated his sense of smell.

Bacon. Tay smiled. His Hin is home.

It also occurred to him that he slept on the couch last night. Just the image of New carrying him to the bed made him feel giddy. Anyone's lucky to have Hin as their lover. Thank God it's me.

He got off the bed and fixed it before leaving the room. He proceeded to the kitchen and saw his boyfriend preparing the table.

"Hey handsome! Just in time. Was just about to wake you up. Come sit here now and let's eat."

New greeted him with a smile. In an outsider's point of view, everything seems normal. But Tay knows better. He knows how to differentiate New's genuinely happy smile from those smiles that hide his pain. Tay just walked towards his lover, held his waist with his left hand and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Goodmorning, Hin."

As he walked towards his seat, he asked New, "You woke up early?"

"Yeah. Can't sleep much." New answered with his back facing Tay while getting fried rice from the pan.

Tay just watched him as he put the rice on the table, removed his apron and hang it on the wall before sitting down.

As they started with their breakfast, Tay spoke up.

"You still getting hate messages these days?"

"Yeah. But they're decreasing so far. The more I'm getting now are supportive ones."

When the news about Mint broke out, New got affected, too, given his position as her on-screen partner. Messages from fans confirming the news reached him and a lot of them sent him encouraging messages, telling him to stay strong and that he does not deserve to be cheated on.  However, a lot of fans of Mint sent him hate messages, too, saying that Mint is such a pure soul that perhaps New cheated first on Mint, or he neglected her that pushed Mint to look for love from a different person. They even threatened him that they'll get every dirty little secret of New out in the open.

Tay is immensely worried about New. Not just about the hate messages he's getting, but also about his career. At least half of his present and future projects involve their loveteam, and New's been informed that a lot of sponsors backed out and their other endorsements have been cancelled. Most importantly, he worries about his mental health. He can be vulnerable sometimes and he usually do not tell Tay about it. That's why Tay learned how to read his lover, so he'll know when he's needed by him when the latter's in a vulnerable state.

"That's good to hear. Tsk, those assholes. Just ignore them, okay? They're not worth your time, Hin."

New just smiled and nodded.

Silence enveloped the two once again. Tay wants to ask what happened between Mint and New yesterday, but he's contemplating on whether or not now is the right time.

But as if New could read his mind, he suddenly spoke, "Just ask away, Te."

Tay coughed. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You want to know what happened yesterday, right?"

Tay sighed. "It's okay, Hin. No need to talk about it if you don't want to."

New was silent for a few seconds.

"Mint told me why she couldn't tell me who she was dating all this time. She was dating Mr. Gee. You know him, right?"

Tay just nodded.

"They met a year ago and became close. Eventually they fell in love."

"But he's married, right? With a kid?"

"Yeah. That's why she didn't tell me. She was ashamed since she became a third party. She said she tried to push him away but Mr. Gee came back and professed his love for her. She said she loved him at the time, too, so they let their hearts decide ignoring the possible consequences of their actions."

New paused and swallowed hard before continuing. "And now she's pregnant."



"Damn, that's hard. What are they planning to do now?"

New suddenly burst into tears remembering everything that had happened the day before. He wants to tell Tay what they are all asking him to do, but he's afraid that the latter might get hurt for even considering it.

"I'm sorry, Tay." New tries to speak in between his heavy sobs. "If I didn't get involved with Mint, if I didn't agree on this set-up in the first place, we wouldn't be in this position now. Sorry. Sorry". New kept chanting sorries and cried even harder.

Tay immediately got up and hugged New tightly. New returned the hug and burried his face on Tay's stomach. Tay does not fully understand what made New cry like that, but one thing's for sure. His Hin is hurting, and it hurts him so much to see him that way.

"Sshh sshh. Stop crying now, Hin. You're scaring me. No need to say sorry. You asked me before doing the fake dating with Mint and I agreed, right? I'm in this shit, too, as much as you."

Tay bent down and let go of his own tears as he kissed New. He kneeled in front of him and held his face.

"Whatever it is that's hurting you now, you can tell me when you're ready." He wiped New's face with both of his thumbs.

New nodded as he tries to calm down.


"Yes, Phi. Please tell them I'm really sorry. I just can't leave New right now. He needs me. Just make up a reason for me please." Tay was talking to his manager on the phone while on the balcony.

"Okay. I understand. Tell New to stay strong, okay?"

"Yes, Phi. Thank you."

"Okay I'm hanging up now. Bye"


Just when Tay hung up the call, he felt two strong arms hug him from behind. He smiled and turned his head towards his right. New put his head on Tay's right shoulder.

"I'm fine. You can leave me, you know?. Sorry I broke down a while ago and made you worry."

Tay turned around and put his arms around New's waist, while New put his hands on around Tay's neck.

"I'm not leaving. My boyfriend needs me so I'm here to stay. And never say sorry for being vulnerable."

New leaned in until their foreheads touch. Both closed their eyes, feeling each others comforting warmth. They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes.



"I love you. Always."

"I love you, too, Hin. Always."


The two spent the day doing things that lovers do. They somehow had a silent agreement that this day, they just want to forget everything that's happening and freely live and love in their own little world.


Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon