Chapter 5. RUN!

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Cry point of view

I sit in the living room with my toast and Nutella and I watch outside of the porch window. I hear felix playing with the dogs but I ignore. I start to see something blackish gray move through the bushes and I squint to see what it is. It was moving faster then I could keep track, I tell felix to come and he runs into the room with the pugs.

"What's up cry?" He has no idea what I called him for do I tell him to look out the window and I show him where the shape was. He catches sight of it and gasps.

"Ryan, grab anything you need and get in the car as fast as you can." He says this while putting the pugs inside cages and grabbing clothes from the drawers.

"Felix, what's going on? What is that thing out there?" I ask starting to get worried. This feeling is creeping up on me and I push it down, the last thing I need is for this thing to ruin my life.

"Ryan, there dogs... Attack dogs." He finally said and I got scared now, the only reason they would release dogs like those would be for... Chases.

"Shit, umm. I'll grab food and other stuff." I ran into the kitchen with a backpack and start putting foods in them. When the backpack was full I ran to the front door and set the bag down. I go out in the garage and start our car. That's when I hear glass shattering and I hear yelling and...

Guns loading...

Felix runs to the car and I see he has one cage with him. Oh fuck Felix, why did you have to forget him now! I hear yelping from the one and only and that made me snap.

No one... Hurts my family...

MADcry point of view

I run back to the room with the dog and I see people in SWAT team clothing on with weapon galore. They are surrounding the dog laying flat and on,owing on the floor and I act. I punch the first guy in the face and he falls, I grab his gun and shoot 2 more men. One aimed at me but took one look at my face, my red eyes, my mangled up teeth, my determination to kill if need be and jumped out the window. I grab the unmoving dog and run back to the car, throwing the dog in and felix starts driving.


Hey guys! 500 reads so far and I'm happy for that! Thank you so much and I will be making a chapter soon! Bye


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