• twenty seven •

Start from the beginning

"It is pretty awesome." Peter laughed, making me giggle a little.


They did their secret handshake, and I smiled at their friendship.

"I'm just happy we don't have to go to Prague." Peter said, and I nodded in agreement.

"Paris sounds way better."

"Way more romantic." Peter smiled fondly, and I kissed his knuckles while no one was looking.

"Good news! We're going to Prague!"

Excuse me?

"Wait, what?" I asked, and Peter looked at me, a mix of surprise and frustration in his features.

"Yeah, the tour company called, and they upgraded us." Mr Harrington said, looking quite excited much to my annoyance.

"You should've heard me on the phone with them, I really gave them hell. All I heard was crying."

Peter turned to me, looking upset.

"Do you think it's Fury?"

"It's definitely Fury." I growled, and we met up with the class, Ned rushing over to us.

"Guys, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation." Peter whispered, and I nodded.

"I can't believe the audacity of it all."

I spotted Dimitri standing beside the bus with a sign that said "Midtown High."

"Awesome." Ned said, and I traded an unenthusiastic look with Peter.

"Yeah, awesome."

We got on the bus, and Dimitri drove us down a long, windy road through the Eastern alps of Austria.

Peter grabbed his phone and started looking at the top ten most romantic places in Prague, making me smile slightly.

"We'll still have a good time." I whispered, but he shook his head.

"We need to deal with this elemental first."

"I doubt I'll be much help." I shrugged, making Peter look at me, confused.

"Why not?"

"A fire elemental battling a fire elemental? I'll probably just fuel him." I responded, and Peter sighed.

"You're probably right."

I watched my boyfriend take out the glasses Fury had given him, the ones Tony had made him.

"For the next Tony Stark, I trust you." He whispered, making me smile.

"He always knew it would be you." I said, and Peter looked happy, but nervous.

"He's retired now, isn't he?"

"One hundred percent." I laughed, and Peter flipped the note over.

"P.S, say 'Edith'."

The glasses lit up, and Peter looked at me in amazement.

"Hello?" He whispered, and I subtly placed my hand on his, knowing no one in the bus was paying attention to us.

"So, he made you for me?" Peter asked quietly, and I giggled at the idea of him having a conversation with Edith.


"You having fun?" I asked, and my boyfriend happily nodded, before focusing back on Edith.

"Yeah, he does."

Peter looked over at Ned and Betty, who are sitting next to each other.

"What is it?" I whispered, and Peter quietly laughed.

"They're texting eachother."

"You can see that?" I asked, making him nod.


Dimitri pulled the bus up to a rest stop, and announced we were having a ten minute break before getting off.

Peter and I got off the bus but he was stopped by Dimitri.

"What?" I asked, and he gestured to a building with an open door.

"Can Phoenix come?" Peter asked, and Dimitri shook his head.

"It will probably look too suspicious." I shrugged my boyfriend off, and he gave me a smile before walking into the building.

I watched Brad start to walk towards the building, making me jump into action and rush over to him.

"Hey, Brad!" I exclaimed, and he seemed surprised.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Good, just trying to find the bathroom." Brad said, pointing behind me, towards where Peter was.

"I don't think it's that way." I said nonchalantly, but Brad seemed unconvinced.

"I saw Peter go through there."

"He wasn't-" I started, but Brad walked through the door anyway, making me sigh.

I walked back over to the bus, and noticed Brad rush out, followed by my boyfriend, looking stressed.

"It's not what it looks like, buddy!" Peter exclaimed, making me laugh.

I wonder what that's about.

They looked like they were arguing for a moment, before everyone got on the bus.

"What's up your ass?" I asked Peter, who crossed his arms over his chest as we got seated again.

"I was getting changing into my new suit, Brad caught me with my pants down next to one of Fury's women."

"That wouldn't look too good." I laughed, and he sighed.

"He took a photo, and said he was going to show it to you because he knew I had feelings for you, and he thinks it's some sort of competition."

"News flash, Spiderboy." I whispered, and we locked eyes as the bus started moving again.

"You won that contest a long time ago."

Always. ~ P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now