No Problem

45 4 0

I ran to cross the road watching that the cars are far away but still kinda near. I ran fast across the street and while running my scrunchie fell on the road. I turned around fast and went to get. The cars are almost near. I pick it up and run even more faster towards the foodpath. I almost reached the path when I crashed into someone and we dropped our phones. I picked up our phones and I said, " So sorry, I am in hurry and here is your phone. " I gave the phone and I looked up and I look up again.
Noah : Thank you.
Me : Wel.... welcome. Okay good day. I'll leave and sorry again.
And I left. I heard him saying, " No problem " from behind. I didn't even turn back to look at him. I just kept going. I was late for therapy. Mind you, I am not the one who takes therapy. I am the one who gives them. But I was also thinking about my encounter with Noah. I have seen his movies and shows and I am a big big fan of him. I even DM him in Instagram but of course my DM gets lost among thousands of other DMs as he is very big personality. I always wanted to meet him and hug him and kiss him but when I got the chance I didn't. Wtf did I do. He must have thought what an ars I am to not ask for a selfie at least. Fuck !! I reached the clinic and I saw that my first client was leaving. I called my client back in and she said, " I tried calling you but some guy picked up and said that your phone is....umm with that guy and that guy said to call your number so that he can get his phone back. "
Me ( looking at the phone and seeing that we have the exact same model of the phone and phone cover )  : What !!! Omg ! I....I'll have...have to call Noah.....that guy.
Client : His name's what !!
Me : Yes ? I have no idea. Let's go in. I'll call after the Therapy.

( I am a new writer in Instagram. My name over there is head._over._heels._
Please show some love. I write fan fiction here and related stuffs there. ❤️ )

The phone exchange ///// Noah CentinioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora