Character Bio/Information on Y/N (TLJ Edition)

Start from the beginning

Force Abilities:
Force push, Force pull, Force echo, Jedi mind trick and Force connection.

(A/N: You will learn more as time goes on. And the force connection is being able to connect with other force users that your close with. It's something that Ben Solo has with Snoke.)

Friends & Family:

Father: Han Solo. Born: 24 BBY. Homeworld: Corellia. (Deceased.)

Mother: Leia Organa

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Mother: Leia Organa. Born: 19 BBY. Homeworld: Alderaan.

Brother: Ben Solo

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Brother: Ben Solo. Born: 11 ABY. Homeworld: Chandrila.

Grandfather: Anakin Skywalker

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Grandfather: Anakin Skywalker. Born: 41 BBY. Homeworld: Tatooine. (Deceased.)


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Star Wars Male Reader X Son of Han Solo and Leia Organa  Episode 8 TLJWhere stories live. Discover now