A Dreamy Awakening

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       Arwen awoke the next morning in a restful posture. She could feel the rhythmic beating of her husband's chest as she lay next to him. Carefully turning over so that she could see him, she smiled at the slight upward curve of his lips that rested there, even in sleep. The cares and the weariness that he had so long been burdened with were washed away. It had been rather strange for Arwen to sleep at night, as she was not accustomed to sleeping, but rather, a walk in the garden. She for one had no idea what time of day it might be. Not worrying about this she nestled up beside her Estel.

        It was nearly an hour later when Aragorn finally awoke. He did not wake up as he had been, with a feeling of tiredness before the day had even started. This morning, as he awoke, his body felt rested. Opening his eyes, the first thing that he saw was Arwen, laying next to him, her blue eyes gazing into his grey ones. "Good morning Estel," Arwen whispered softly. Aragorn responded with an electrifying kiss. A few more minutes were spent cuddling before they rose out of bed.

       Carefully choosing a pale green dress, Arwen dressed for her first morning as the queen of Gondor. When she had dressed, she grabbed Aragorn's hands and looked into his eyes. There were so many things that she wanted to say in that moment, but for once, words failed her. As she stood there, her eyes growing misty with tears, all she could whisper was, "Cova meleth nin." Aragorn wrapped his arms tightly around her. At that moment, Arwen knew that there were no other words that she needed to say. They understood each other perfectly.

       At last, they pulled apart, and putting out his arm for Arwen to take, the pair went down to the dining hall. There they found breakfast spread out on the table and all of their friends waiting for them.

"You did not have to delay breakfast for us," Arwen said in surprise, "I suspect that it is rather late."

"No need to worry," Pippin responded cheerfully, "We have already had our first breakfast. It would have been very impolite if we didn't join you though, so don't mind if we have a second one with you."

       The company chuckled lightly at this as they all sat down to eat. As they ate Arwen wondered at the seemingly voracious appetite of her husband. Before she could say anything, Gimli commented on it, "Speak of the appetite of hobbits, Aragorn seems to have become one. Although I must say laddie, I am glad to see you eating, you have scarcely touched food these past few days, so buried in work as you've been. I was worried that you would whittle away till there was naught left of you." Arwen was hardly surprised, though she certainly did worry. What would it take to stop him from working so much? Ultimately the answer to that question was given after breakfast.

 What would it take to stop him from working so much? Ultimately the answer to that question was given after breakfast

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All had finished, and they had risen from the table. They all entered a small sitting room that adjoined to the dining room. As Arwen was gently pulled into a conversation with the other members of the fellowship, Aragorn spoke to Gandalf in a hushed tone.

       "Mithrandier, are there any extremely urgent matters that must be attended to today?"

"Yes, one very important one," Gandalf responded, his eyes twinkling.

       "What is that?" Aragorn inquired respectfully.

"Your one duty is the most important of any duty you shall ever undertake."

       Aragorn continued respectfully waiting for Gandalf to continue and wondering why he had not heard of this important duty before now.

"This duty is one that you shall undertake starting today, and shall not lay down until the day that you cease to walk on Middle Earth. Go, be with Arwen, she is your duty for today."

       "Annon allen Mithrandier," Aragorn said, his eyes shining. "I shall see to it that this duty is fulfilled not only today but in all of the days to come."

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