True Reason

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"My friends," Azula stops and thinks. She continues again. "We'd play outside in the gardens often. The trees were beautiful, truly. They smelled of fresh fruit and were as green as a pea. But I wasn't really allowed to play outside, my mother was afraid I'd do something bad."

"Why was that?"

"I'd burn the trees when I was younger," Azula looked at Y/n. "I'd go on walks with my mother and brother, and I'd always burn the trees."

"Was it fun to do that, burn the trees?"

"I...suppose. There was no need to do it, but I liked the reaction I got from my brother. Such a crybaby he was," Azula scoffed. "He is."

"And what would your mother do about that?" The doctor asked, she took notes with her pen.

"She scolded me," Azula lifted her hand and looked at her fingernails, raising an eyebrow before putting it down.

"Did your mother ever attend any of your fire-bending lessons?" The raven-haired girl looked at Y/n curiously.

"No, only my father,"

"Do you think you burned all those trees to show your mother what she didn't get to see in your training sessions?"


"You wanted her to see you, see how strong-," Y/n stopped herself.

No, this is too quick. I progressed too far. 

Silence filled the room. Azula looked at the doctor, unsure of what to say and do. The doctor looked at Azula, also unsure of what she should do. There is a clear air of hesitance filling the room.

Azula looked out the very small window, and the birds chirped and sang. Judging by her appearance, it seemed as if Azula hadn't seen sunlight in years. 

"Let's move on to another topic. You mentioned your brother, how was your relationship with him?"

"I hated him, and I hate him still," Azula commented with no hesitation.

"The reasoning-"

"Because he's a traitor," The Lady spoke, cutting Y/n off.

Y/n stared at Azula, and then at her notepad and wrote down more notes.

"No, tell me the real reason," Y/n said.

She looked up at the doctor, confused.

"That is my reason,"

"It isn't," Y/n smiled before standing up and cleaning up her materials. "That will be your assignment. Figure out why you hate him."

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