0.32 MEDIA

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         the couple sat in front of jordan's phone, getting ready to go live, oaklynn pressed the ' go live ' button on his phone before sighing. jordan quickly spoke first "hey guys, we're going to wait until more people are here."

once the two thought enough people joined the live oaklynn spoke " so i know we are both getting so much unnecessary hate right now but we want to explain the situation " she took a deep breath before continuing " it was basically a misunderstanding, it started with my ex boyfriend messaging jordan about how i slept with him the night before, which did not happen. jordan questioned me about him and i immediately got defensive since me and said ex did not have a good relationship at all, and jordan took it as it being true since my ex said i'd get defensive about it if it was true. me being dramatic and a bitch made it public on my spam that we broke up, which i shouldn't of done and i regret doing that. "

jordan quickly started speaking. " after that we had a private fight over some bullshit that was my fault that im not going to say on his live, and we finally had a conversation about what happened and realized the misunderstanding therefore you guys can stop sending death threats and unnecessary hate it's not fucking cool and its really fucking immature. we just want to move on like we were before the situation started, it would be really appreciated if y'all chilled the fuck out "

the couple said goodbye to the live, thanking the people who didn't send hate and continued to support them and turning off the phone knowing that live would be getting sent to tea pages later that day.

this book almost
done asf😩
rushing it w shit writing 😁👍🏼

written: march , 8 , 2021
published: may, 2, 2021

onlyfans! | J. powellWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt