"I think I'll just call a cab," I said unsurely. It was true I was planning on calling a cab home, but I wouldn't mind if he offered me a ride. But I don't ask. Because a part of me would feel like I was intruding, and no one likes intruders.

"It's really dark out, and I know you're cautious of strangers" He takes a deep breath and twirls his car keys once more, "Let me take you home." Upon hearing his offer, I didn't feel as tense anymore. I eagerly oblige and let him take my hand, leading me to his car. His car wasn't expensive nor special. It was a black pick-up truck, a Jeep Gladiator to be exact. It was obvious he wasn't really expecting anyone else to ride with him, the seats in the back were littered with candy wrappers and take-out bags.

He scratches his head and flinches from catching a glimpse of the mess. "Sorry about the mess in the back, I'm not usually this carele–"

"–We all have bad days Mason, don't sweat it" I shrug. I wasn't even sitting in the backseats anyways, so I wasn't too concerned with the untidiness. Mason was a neat-freak, so I should be a little worried at the least, but I chalk it up to his lack of time to clean. He doesn't reply, but instead starts the car and turns on the radio.

"You still cold?" He asks, looking back with his elbow rests on the top passenger seat as he pulls out of the parking lot. "It takes a bit for the car to warm up, so if you're cold I can reach back for a sweater for you." Mason always kept a random stack of sweaters that he's accumulated over time. He's always ordered sizes much bigger than he usually was, I wasn't sure why that he only ordered a size XXL, but again–I don't want to intrude. I don't answer until Mason throws me an old crewneck he got from one of his freshman wrestling competitions. He quit freshman year and the coaches didn't understand why. They thought it was a shame that their star athlete quit before his career could even start. I remember that day clearly. A week after Mason decided to toss me aside, he quit the team and everyone told him he was crazy. He told everyone that he wanted to "focus on his schoolwork" which no one bought that obvious lie. Sophomore year he even put a pause on Jujutsu and again, no one seemed to know why. I think I do though.

"Why do you still own this sweatshirt?" I hold up the sweater to my chest and stretch out the sleeves against my arms, "It's like four years old." It smells like the pine air freshener in his car, I put on the sweater and rolled up the sleeves about seven times. "Do you hoard things? Has time changed you so much that you've resorted to hoarding?" I tease.

He cracks a smile and makes a turn "You caught me Alinna, I actually quit wrestling to chase after my true dream" He pauses for a dramatic effect, "to be on the reality TV show Hoarders."

"Ha. Ha." I let the radio station's "Top 50 hits" fill the silence. I wanted to get to know him more. I wanted to crack his head open and pull apart his brain. Curiosity tends to get the best of me, and today I think I'll let it happen.

"Why'd you quit wrestling?" I turn and face Mason. His jaw clenches and his hands grip the steering wheel, hard enough to see his fingers turn white. I'm tired of holding back, it's been four years and I feel like he's completely changed. I don't want to feel like I have to dance around certain questions anymore. I want to know more. "Is it because of what I think it is?" I press further.

"What do you think it is?" His face whips towards me "Hm?" His expression wasn't aggressive and his tone wasn't malicious either. It was calm, all too calm– which was the scariest part. He pulls over to the side of the road and slowly lets go of the steering wheel. He takes a deep breath "So are we really gonna have this talk now?" Seconds of agonizing stillness go by, "Do you want to talk about it?" He exhales.

"Do you want to talk about it?" My shaky breath makes it obvious that I'm nervous. The sunlight slowly rises, peaking through the trees by the trail we parked by.

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