Mikaela's eyes met mine, his lips curved into a gentle smile and his entire expression seemed to soften, "You gave me quite a scare," He took my hand in his and squatted down next to the bed, "I'm glad you're ok."

"Yeah, I guess so," I pulled my hand from his and ran my fingers through his hair, "there's something I need to talk to you about whenever you have the chance... privately."

"Alright, I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day thanks to this so..." his eyes trailed up to the three other people in the room.

"I can kick them out." I chuckled, trying not to think about the pain that I knew wasn't really there.

Everyone was hesitant to leave, no one wanted me alone with Mikaela for some reason. It was weird given the fact that right now he was the only one not triggering me in some way or another. After a little bit I managed to get them to leave and I turned my head towards Mikaela.

"It's burning and I don't know why." I said as soon as I was sure they were out of range, my other hand was instantly on my stomach, clenching at the hospital gown.

Mika seemed to know what I meant and pulled part of my gown to the side while still being respectful of my privacy, "There's nothing there, baby. Do you want me to get a doctor? You may have pinched a nerve during your episode," He took off his glove and ran his ice cold fingers over my stomach. He seemed pleased with the way I flinched under his touch, "I don't feel anything either." his cold hands felt nice, comforting in a way. I held his hand down on my stomach like an ice pack.

"You know more than you're letting on," I proclaimed, "you always do and this is not the time to hold out on me."

He cocked an eyebrow and his smile remained as soft as ever, "What triggered your panic attack?" He asked.

"Don't change the subject." I said.

"I'm not. How about I tell you what I think? I think it was Ray. The timing lines up. It seems you're feeling a little too much empathy for Asher. You're a very caring person, it would make sense. That level of empathy may be making you as paranoid as Asher is." He grazed his finger tips over a sensitive spot on my stomach, making me flinch once more.

I sighed, "You're not going to answer me, are you?" I asked.

"I told you my thoughts. What reason could I possibly have to lie about your panic attack?" He asked.

"I don't think you're lying to me, I think you're dancing around the subject." I said.

He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on my wrist, his other hand was tracing random shapes and designs on to my stomach. If this was anyone else I would've been wildly uncomfortable, but Mikaela was my safe haven right now, "I'm not trying to, I just don't fully understand. I really do think it was Ray- well, Asher's reactions to Ray. If Ray is bothering you just by being there, I will remove him from our lives," The threatening tone of that last sentence flew over my head as he kissed my wrist once more, "I'm so happy you're ok."

"Yeah, I'm glad Asher was there." I wanted to see a genuine reaction out of him, even if it wasn't a pleasant one. He had been faking his emotions with an Oscar worthy performance since he got in here. But, to my dissatisfaction, he remained effortlessly calm.

"Me too, I don't know what would've happened if no one had been there." Absolutely no tells. A skilled manipulator, he picks and chooses which emotions he wants to give hints to and he always makes sure they're as subtle as possible. I wondered what would happen if he were to snap. If every purposely placed subtle tell became irrational and over emotional. That may have been part of the reason I liked his blush so much, it was real, and I knew he hated how little control he had over it. I wanted to see him lose all patience, get frustrated, I wanted to see him aggressive for fucking once.

If not for his over reactions to the blush, I would've never been able to guess how well he masked himself. I was still cautious as ever though, the blush may have been amped up for the very reason of throwing me off.

Fuck, I really am getting paranoid.

I did trust Mikaela... for the most part. He was protective over me, every inch of his body language said so, assuming that wasn't on purpose, I at least knew he did genuinely care about me. Suspicions were not a good thing to have in a relationship and I'd need to talk to him about them eventually.

I pulled my hand from him and wrapped my arm around his neck in an awakened side hug, "I'm more happy you're here though."

"Does it still hurt?" Mika asked as he nuzzled his face against my cheek.

"No, I think I'm ok now. But, I would really like some cake."


I have a pen 🖊

I have an Apple 🍎











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