Dumb "bad end" rewrite concept I've had in my head for a bit

Start from the beginning


Rewrite "Bad end" au concept clip

*knight Audrey concept that i made months ago that will be used again for this au*

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*knight Audrey concept that i made months ago that will be used again for this au*

Audrey stumbled through the enchanted forest, trying to just get away from the horrifying screams that echoed in her ears. her fathers sword in one hand and his shield in the other, she hardly knew how to use them but Jane had thrown them at her as they went to retrieve fairy godmothers wand in an effort to stop Mal.

Audrey was the only one who had made it out of that museum with her mind still her own, Mal had intercepted just as Janes hand wrapped around the wands handle and now Jane was under Mal's influence. Audrey had slammed the shield into both of them so she could escape with her free will.

Audrey let out a small scream as an uprooted root tripped her and she slammed her chin into the dirt. she let out a small sob and released her grip on the sword, she gently pushed herself up as the sting of pain ebbing from her chin made her wince. she slumped to sit on her butt and looked up at the sky, sniffing as she realized the stars were gone.

what was she going to do? she didn't know how to even swing the damn sword, Chad was turned to stone, her parents were asleep, Mal had "turned" Evil, most of the people she knew could stop Mal she had no clue where they were, Ben was missing, and (y/n)....(y/n) had disappeared a long time ago.

Audrey bit her lip at the memory of when Mal had announced she had killed the only girl that had stood by her side when Mal had spelled Ben, the only girl in Auradon, other than herself, that constantly called Mal on her bullshit.

and now she was gone.

Audrey took a deep breath and stood, leaning down slightly to grab her fathers sword and continued to walk through the darkening forest, glaring a bit as it became harder and harder to see where she was going.

her head snapped to the side and she held the sword out infront of her as the loud snap of a branch echoed from her right. "who-whos there!" Audrey yelled out, forcing her voice to keep steady as her legs shook, what she wouldn't give for that bravery that her "queen of mean" self had. "i warn you im-im..." her arm dropped as the familiar laughter of someone she had thought was gone came forward, a grin wide on their face.

"what's wrong princess" (y/n) purred, the scar on her lips and nose doing nothing to dim the warmness that was on her face as she looked at Audrey "you look like you've seen a ghost"

Audrey let out a low sob and dropped her sword, the sheild slipping off her arm as she ran towards (y/n) with her arms spread wide. (y/n) easily caught her and curled her arms around Audrey's shoulders, cooing gently as she tried to calm the hysteric princess "hey hey, im sorry, bad joke i know" Audrey just buried her face into (y/n)s shoulder, pressing her cheek against the cold metal of (y/n)s armor...wait armor?

Audrey pulled back and laughed a bit at (y/n)s attire, it was different from when Audrey had last seen her. now (y/n) wore a edited version of Harrys scarlet jacket, hanging off her shoulders by a gold chain connecting the lapels at her collar and two silver-purple shoulder pads weighing the jacket down. a white button down shirt that billowed at the sleeves and lower torso, black pants with gold chains around her waist with one of Harrys old belts hanging off her hips. arm guards the same material as her shoulder pads covered her forearms and knuckles, and calf high combat boots fitted over her pants "i can see that my outfit is awesome as fuck but we need to go Audrey" (y/n) hushed Audrey as she was about to protest and grabbed her hand and pushed her back towards the sword and shield "grab those and then we'll head back to my base, we need to get out of Mals range as soon as possible"

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