Diluc; Genshin Impact

Start from the beginning

No one was there.

They both look around before Diluc spots a familiar looking weapon.

He runs, once again in the rain, and slides to the floor as he clutches on to the weapon. Hoping, praying, that you were nearby.

As Diluc and the traveller look at it, they quickly identify it as your weapon. There was no doubt about it, that was defenetly yours.

A sudden giggle is heard and Diluc looks up.

Both the traveller and Diluc are shocked when they see a simple abbys mage, and you at their side.

The traveller and Diluc stand up as they get ready with their weapons, still confused on how you seemed so scared over an abbys mage.

You were so used to fighting them, surely there wasnt someone else here...right?

Clothes half torn and blood running down your forehead, face paling more and more as you look up.

Diluc yells out your name before a clawed hand from behind grabs the clothes stuck to your back and reels you back into a dungeon.

The raw cry of his name coming out of your mouth almost made him drop to his knees.

It sounded so much like how his father yelled out his name.

He quickly ran into the dungeon, ignoring the now taunting abbys mage. He quickly grabbed the mage and pulled it to the ground as it tried and attack him.

"Who do you think you are, where the fuck is he" it wasnt even a question, he was demanding an answer.

The abbys mage only squeezed before teleporting away. Diluc now frustrated and angry that he couldn't get even one single answer.

Both Diluc and the traveller entered the dungeon before noticing how dangerous it was.

Traps and enemies where everywhere, they weren't sure what to do exactly.

But Dilucs anger was immeasurable, if he didnt see you soon the traveller was worried he would explode into a big ball of pyro.

Diluc didnt hesitate to start knocking down enemies, the traveller could barely see anything as their vision was obstructed by fire.

Before long, they reached a narrow corridor and Diluc ran like his life depended on it. He wasnt even worried about any sort of traps here.

He just needed to see you safe.

As they reached the end, the sight before them was unexpected once again.

You sat on the floor, chest going up and down rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. Clawed hands holding onto you tightly as you struggled to get of their grip.

As Diluc looks from you to the stranger, he worried more and more as he saw how tall the perpetrator was.

The Abbys Herald.

"Ah, its so nice to finally see you" he said.

He tossed you as if you were just a piece of meat or something, casually throwing you on the floor again.

This time thought the abbys herald hurled your weakened body towards Diluc. He tried his best to catch you without you getting more hurt then you already were.

You groaned as you hit Dilucs chest and he almost cried right then and there. You were cold, shivering. But the hair on your head stuck onto you and your skin was almost ice, it seemed like you were hit a few times by some ice mage.

Just as the abbys herald was opening his mouth, a strange noise came from the long hallway Diluc and the traveller had just ran from.

The Abbys Herald groans as he crosses his arms over his chest.

The Abbys Heralds chest rumbles as he laughs, "I guess you get to live another day, I must go now, but you will be seeing me again very soon"

And with that he was gone with just a mist cloud in sight.

Diluc falls to the floor as you clutch onto his chest, he swipes some of the hair on your forehead before pressing fluttering kisses to the exposed skin.

He kissed you as many times as possible and hugged you tight. The traveller only squeezing one of your hands tightly as Diluc kept on holding you tighter.

"I thought I lost you, I cant lose you" he says as he rocks you and him back and forth.

You only slip a small smile before burying your face in his shoulder and hugging both him and the traveller close.

[1300 words; april/4/21]

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