"I just wanted to make sure he was okay, Z." Niall admitted shyly, the alpha smiled down at him.

"I know, Bub. Y've just gotta let him rest, though, he's not well. What're you reading now, Lou?" Zayn asked Louis as he ran a hand through Niall's messy fringe, doing his best to keep himself calm from the whole Edward situation only a few minutes before. He didn't want to take any of his own, fresh, anger on either of the omegas.

"Harry Potter. Goblet of Fire." He mumbled in response, his bottom lip between his teeth as he focused on his book. He didn't even realise it was Zayn asking him the question as he was in such a trance with his book.

Much to the omega's dismay though, he was forcefully dragged from his other world by the loud slam of a car door and a heavy groan from the side of the car park.

The three of them looked towards the commotion, Louis unhappily, and seen two boys who looked very similar to each other. Harry and Marcel Styles.

Zayn was able to conclude that the loud slam was Edward, who had finally taken the advice his brothers had been giving him all day and left. He was glad that the alpha was heading out, though, he wasn't in the right frame of mind for school today.

Louis, though, grew extremely anxious when Zayn called the two brothers over to them. He had been able to deduct from the past couple of days that there was a weird feeling he got around Marcel. Of course, he didn't know if he liked it or not, but it was new to him and he wasn't fully sure that he wanted to find out if he did.

He watched with worried eyes as the two alphas smiled and headed towards them. He was also quite surprised when Marcel made eye contact with him before turning to his brother and whispering something. Louis didn't know whether this was Harry or Edward but was shocked again when this unknown alpha gave Marcel a questioning look, one that said 'really?' and he nodded back to his brother.

Louis kept his eyes trained on the pair as they got closer to them, following their every movement right up until they sat down.

Niall glanced toward his friend, he could sense the anxiety from his place a few feet away.

"Hey, he okay?" Zayn asked, keeping a close eye on the two.

"Yeah, I'm just glad he left. He shouldn't be here today." The alpha Louis didn't know replied. He examined the older boy, hie eyes ran up and down his face, hardly seeing differences to Marcel, except from the obvious length of his hair that was longer than Marcel's and coming down past his ears. He also noticed the boy wasn't wearing any glasses, another difference he noted in his head. He had a gym bag with him as well, that was hard to miss if he was being honest.

"Hi, Louis," Marcel's voice pulled him from his thoughts, "this is Harry, my brother. Well, one of them." He introduced the two politely, looking between them and watching what they would do.

"Hi, Harry, it's nice to meet you." Louis stuck his small hand out, sharply, all 5 of the boys sitting around watched on as Harry's hand enveloped Louis', making it disappear for the short few seconds they were locked. Louis took a proper look at his face this time and took everything in; his milky coloured skin, the very light freckles that trailed over his nose and cheeks, his deep green eyes- which were darker than Marcel's- and the light pink tint to his lips.

Once he noticed that these thoughts were swimming through his head, he removed them quickly, scolding himself internally for already analysing the boy.

"Hi." Harry smiled softly to the omega and took his hand back, he lay down on the grass and let out a long sigh.

Marcel started talking to Zayn about Edward and his abnormal bad mood. Louis felt like he was intruding on the conversation, like it was something he shouldn't be hearing about, something private. So, to hide some of his anxiety and block the conversation around him out, he pulled his book off the floor and dove back in, easily getting into it and forgetting that there was others around him.

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