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Kageyama pov

I'm really stressed because Nekoma are cats so when they have prey they try to keep anyone from taking it away from them and they have Yamaguchi they probably have him locked up tight. I have to send in my best people and I have to get Fukrodani to help us.

I call in Fukrodani they come in the next morning as I tell them that Nekoma has Tadashi they start to look a little uneasy I start to glare at the them at them and one broke saying that Ukai at the "meeting" told the grandfathers that they had Tadashi Yamaguchi. SON OF A BITCH I yell while standing up I demand them to take me too Nekoma's base we all get up then get into the van.

Yamaguchi pov

I'm still in the same fucking spot I have been in since yesterday and me and Kenma are getting along I like him he's more chill then everyone here, and then there is that Rooster he keeps calling me chibi-chan and kitten like BITCH i'm not that small i'm only 5"5"(I know that he is acutaly 5"10" but I changed it so his smaller)

If I ever get out of here I would come back and hang with Kenma because he's a beast at video games. Hey chibi-chan~ you already awake Rooster asks I have been awake for 30 minutes now, can you let me out of here these chains are getting old I say he just smirks then moves close to my face as I just smile ear to ear. I you going to be a good kitty~ he says suductivly I just roll my eyes yea sure if yo promise to be good cat~ I shot back. Promise we say in unity he then lets me go and the first thing I do is sit down as he hears a knock on the door.

He goes up the stairs and I follow behind as he answers the door I raid the fridge for pay back he opens the door and I take a knife then through it at the front door. AH Damn it I missed I say as everyone look scared/shocked I then see Kageyama and sit on the counter with piece of pizza WHAT'S UP BITCH I wave at him with a smile he kinda looks pissed/relived. Hey Rooster lets have a party to lighten the mood a little I ask for a teenager you sho do have a lot of alcohol I then yell while drinking a half drinking vodka.

No ones pov 

They all have a party and Yamaguchi gave Kenma his number at the party they played beer pong, Flip cup and never have I ever dirty and lets just say they learned a lot about Yamaguchi that they probably would have never knew if he was sober. I'm a virgin Yamaguchi says everyone looked shocked because Tadashi being a bunny he has obviously gotten into some trouble.

After about an hour the party was over and they all left with one promise and one drunk Yamaguchi. He was all over Kageyama and Tsukishima for about 10 minutes until he was out cold in the back seat.

Yamaguchi pov 

As I flutter my eyes open I can see i'm in my room back in my bed as I sit up I get a headache I just lay back down then wait about a minute. I finally get out of bed take a shower and while i'm in the bathroom I hear a knock at the door come in I yell Tsukishima then walks in I peak out around the corner to see his glasses covered with gun powder.

I start to laugh I see my bomb wen't off I thought that would get for sure I say still laughing I get dressed

I start to laugh I see my bomb wen't off I thought that would get for sure I say still laughing I get dressed

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I walk out come on french fry talk to me while walking I we walk out and I close my room door. Here I motion for him to give me his glasses he then give them to me I wipe them off then hand them back. Hey were are you going Kageyama asks o me salt are going out to hang out I then open the front door and we walk out to my BAbY my Jeep wrangler.


Hey Strawberry would you like to hang out with me on Friday Tsukishima asks yea sure I would love to spend time with the person I wan't to kill Yamaguchi says happily it will help us become closer I can't wait Yamaguchi says as he walks off to his room. Tsukishima goes to his room then starts to internal scream because it took him four weeks to practice that.

End of flashback

I wanted to get this out so that if I stop updating for awhile you guys will have Tsukiyama for the soul

Well see ya'll in the next chapter 

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