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Yamaguchi pov

I walk into my house/base and as soon as I walk in i'm greeted with a very happy puppy. I kneel down to my dog Geon and pick him up and cradle him like a baby. I start to tickle his stomack and talk to him in a baby voice, are you hungry? Yes you are, you can eat with me tonight. I than put him down grab my apron and put it on,I wash my hands then start cooking a I told Kageyama..cookies.

I start to measure all the ingredients out for the cookies, and after about 1 hour i'm down with the cookies i put them in the ovan,and get started on our dinner. I grab Geon's bowls than put food and water in the bowls, I grab two plates and put food on them and sit down.

In 3..2..1 I hear a knock at the door I then get up answer the door knife in hand.

Kageyama pov

The door opens and there stands Tadashi Yamaguchi witha knife, I jump back a little flusteerd and scared.

You smell the cookies Tobio? I nod my head yes than he invited me inside, sit..make your self at home he tells me I sit down on the couch. I start to hear growling I look over to see vicious puppy, I jump at the sight I start to hear Yamaguchi laughing. Geon down..his a guest, he picks up the little puppy than starts to put plates on the table he motions me to come over and eat, me being nervous/scared I follow.

Soo~ Tobio what are you doing here? I choke on my food at the question I start to think of a explanation. Look.. Kageyama I know you wan't me to be a member of your mafia..but if you found my place you obviously know I don't do mafia groups so I suggest its nouse in wasting your time to get me in the mafia. I swallow my food and build up the confidents to talk to him. Well what if I convence you to come join my mafia?

We sit in silence for a while till we here ding,Yamaguchi then got up and got the cookies out the ovan he looks at me and says with a smile, I'll give you a week to convince me Tobio. I love it when he says my name it rolls off his song and don't get me started with the smile oh~ that smile is like a angles.

I look up in excitement and yelled I WON'T LET YOU DOWN.

Yamaguchi pov 

I WON'T LET YOU DOWN, Tobio yells I jumped a little of how loud he was. I mean i'm not going to lie..his what do you call it..cute, he might be the one to get me on his mafia. What i'm still wondering is how he got my file... I think to myself and a person that i've known for while popped into my head. Fucking Ukai I mumble, I look at Kageyama with a smirk and say okay~ tomarrow we will go to your base okay? Yes. Good we can stay here for the night and..calm down Tobio i'm not going to kill you,unless.. your planing to kill me? Oh no no I would never kill someone I respect.

Another chapter in the bag

hope you liked it and if you didn't

here's a pretty gif I found

See ya'll in the next chapter

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See ya'll in the next chapter

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