9 || kidnapped by a pirate

Start from the beginning

"At least I got a break from speaking to bald and sober Jack Sparrow.", I shrug.

"Oh, you still have to talk to me.", Fury says from the doorway.

"Jesus, everyone's here now!", I realize I'm still lying in the bed, "Can we all talk when I'm not in bed? I feel kind of like a seven-year-old right now, which just isn't fair when I'm surrounded by Kim Possible,", I point to Romanoff, "Sonic Hedgehog hair,", I point at Clint, "and Captain Hook meets Humpty Dumpty. Do I even need to point?", everybody turns to Fury. I get out of the bed and see I'm still in the dress I wore to the funeral. "Right, well this has been fun, but can I go home now?"

"Are you going to start taking the situation you're in seriously?", Fury asks, annoyed.

"I don't actually know what situation I'm in, because I've been kidnapped by a bunch of spies, or whatever you guys are!", I glare at the three.

Another man walks in, he's wearing a neat suit and carrying a pile of, what looks like, folded laundry. Great, more people! Just what I wanted. He looks my outfit up and down, "You might want to change into these.", he hands me the pile.

"Fantastic, another person I don't know is here.", I take the clothes. We all stand in silence for a second; when none of them make a move, I pipe up, "So... Are you guys going to leave or..."

They all nod and leave. That was weird. I get into the clothes they've provided me with; a tank top, hoodie, and some leggings. The hoodie has a logo on it- an eagle with 'S.H.I.E.L.D' written across it, and on the back, it says 'S.H.I.E.L.D Agents Training Programme'. I walk out of the room, into a boring, plain-white corridor, where all four of the people from my room were waiting. Fury gives a questioning look to the hoodie and the guy in the suit pipes up.

"It was all we had, we aren't exactly a fashion company.", he says, "You're definitely not in the training program."

"Why 'definitely not'?", I ask, narrowing my eyes. Not that I was intending on training to be a spy, he just said it in a bit of a patronizing tone.

"Oh, uh, nothing. It's just-", the man in the suit stammers.

"You wouldn't last two minutes.", Fury cuts him off, "I believe that's what Agent Coulson was trying to say."

"Really? He's an agent too?", I raise my eyebrows, "You're really handing the title of 'Agent' out like it's candy, ain't 'ya?", I turn to Agent Coulson, "No offense, Mr... Agent... Sir... Coulson?"

"Phil. My name's Phil.", Coulson introduces himself.

"See, if Phil here could get through the training program, I'm sure it would be easy pickings for me. Once again, no offense, Phil."

"None taken.", Phil says.

"I don't think you'd last two minutes as an agent. In fact, I know you wouldn't.", Fury antagonizes me.

"Oh yeah? And I don't think you know what I'm capable of.", I glare at him. Not to flex, but I am pretty good at martial arts. I can take Happy out easy peasy lemon squeezy. He isn't a super-spy, he's a grumpy middle-aged man... but still.

"Well, you certainly inherited your father's ego.", Fury observes.

"You don't know that. You didn't know my-", I catch myself, "You don't know my father."

"I knew enough about him to know that he definitely wouldn't want you training to become an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Our job is to keep you alive, not to turn you into an assassin."

"That's what you guys are?", I look at Nat, Clint, and Phil, "Look at that face, Phil isn't an assassin.", I grin.

"No, but Natasha and Clint are two of the most highly-trained and skilled assassins S.H.I.E.L.D, if not the world, has to offer."

"Coolio. So, why am I here?", I ask nonchalantly.

"I have told you why you're here about ten times."

"Yes, but what am I supposed to do whilst I'm here? I mean my phone is back at home, but I'm fairly sure we aren't in Malibu anymore. Couldn't tell you though, since there are no god damn windows!", I yell the last part.

"You need to stay in the room you've been assigned. Stay out of trouble, and stay out of everyone here's business.", Fury says.

"Three things I am notoriously bad at.", I say, "Well, I'll be in my room, if anybody needs me.", I back into my room slowly. Then close the door behind me and slump onto the lumpy mattress of the twin bed. My first few days as a legal adult really took a turn for the worst...

A message from the author:Not much to say about this week, it was very boring

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A message from the author:
Not much to say about this week, it was very boring. This chapter's kind of fun though, I suppose. Big things are coming from here on! Anyways, hope you all had a good week! Remember to vote and comment! See you all next chapter! (;

- Hannah xoxo

Word count: 1223

Date published: February 5th 2022

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