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Standing beside Ivar and Bjorn, discussing what was next on their plan to avenge their father

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Standing beside Ivar and Bjorn, discussing what was next on their plan to avenge their father. Isi's eyes fixed on a small, grey haired man walking through the crowd of warriors. A smirk on his face.

Knowing he was neither part of their warriors, nor Haralds Isi found no use for him. Drawing her arrow, she was stopped by Bjorn pushing it down angrily. He knew this man, unlike she did.

"This is king Ecbert" Bjorn explained, Isi's head turning to Ivar in confusion. He gave her a nod in response, telling her it was the truth. "I order you to spare him"

Quickly Isi turned back towards the man, the old, scruffy man. How could he have killed the great Ragnar Lothbrok? It was impossible. Isi could kill him easily.

However before she could protest, Ivar tapped her to get her attention once more. Annoyed she turned towards him, only to be met with a painful sight. Floki walking out of the gates holding the limp, grey body of Helga.

"N-no" Isi stuttered, collapsing onto the ground of Ivars chariot. The metal against her knees was a torturing pain, which only made her sobs worst. Ivar brung her into his embrace, he knew how close Isi was with Helga growing up. She was basically a second mother to her.


After saying her goodbyes to Helga, Isi joined her brothers in one of the buildings. She was still heartbroken by the death of such a close person, she could barely register what they were saying.

Sitting in between Ubbe and Hvitsirk, they tried their best to comfort her. She leaned against Hvitsirk while her hand remained laced with Ubbe's, his thumb drawing circles over it. It seemed to help slightly, allowing her to zone into the conversation.

Ivar suggested they blood eagle Ecbert, he handed Ragnar over to Aelle, making him equally guilty of murdering him. But Bjorn chose to argue against killing him, believing that keeping him alive could be best for their people.

"What if you kill Ecbert Ivar hm? What then?" Ubbe asked, interrupting the heated argument between the oldest and youngest brother.

"Well then he's dead Ubbe" Ivar replied with wide eyes, as if the answer was obvious. Which only started another argument, Bjorn, Ubbe and Hvitirk all siding together against Ivar.

Isi agreed with both sides, however she was more agreeing with Ivar. Ecbert deserved to die, he was part of killing Ragnar. He handed him over, he is guilty.

"What about you Sigurd? You've been very quiet so far, I'm sure you have an opinion" Ivar spoke, turning to the brother in the corner.

"I agree with you Ivar, we should blood eagle 'im" Sigurd replied, but changed his mind half way through. "But I'm not sure, Im not sure what their saying"

Before any of them could answer, Isi decided to make her presence known. Instead of sitting sulking. "I agree with Ivar"

"What?" Ubbe asked, sitting upright to look down at his sister.

"He handed our father over to Aelle knowing he would kill him. He is guilty, guilty people deserve to be punished" she explained, her voice strangely soft compared to the words she spoke.

"Thank you! Seems one of your minds actually works" Ivar commented, earning a few scoffs and disapproved eye roles from his other brothers.

Before they could continue the discussion, the bars from the cage above them began making an ear bleeding noise. Ecbert was hung from the ceiling in a metal cage, just as he done their father.

He moved closer to the edge of the box before speaking, "I loved your father, he was my friend. And I know that he wanted to build a farm here." He explained.

Isi looked over her brothers with furrowed brows. She had never met the man before, nor had she realised that he spoke their language. But from what he was saying, she knew he would take Bjorns side of the argument. Maybe to save his life, who knew.

"As you say it's only a matter of time until you are driven away from here, without any legal right to English lands. You have no hope of staying."

"Then we kill the people that own the land, it doesn't seem so hard to take what you want around here" Isi commented, the sickly looking man turning to her.

"Finally someone agrees with my motives" Ivar smirked.

Isi joined Ivar, seeing he was the only one who spoke some reasonable suggestions. Ecbert deserved to die, why now were her brothers questioning that? They came here to avenge their father. Not to let them get away.

In the end, her brothers stupidity agreed to take land from King Ecbert. In exchange Ecbert dies at his own hands, no blood eagle. A simple death, the cutting of the wrists. A cowards way out.

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