the talk

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caroline sat down next to stefan tears streaking down her face. she expected him to yell at her or just say that she was terrible but what she wasnt expecting was what actually happened. he hugged her and then she realised this person isnt mean or rude he isnt crule or discardes people he is stefan. stefan who is her bestfiend. stefan who stuck by her when she first turned and helped her control her blood lust. stefan who she fell in love with. she sobbed into his shoulder for a little bit and then she got enough courage to speak she said in a voice thick with tears "stefan im so sorry. please dont hate me i." stefan pulled her face away so that he could look at her and he said "now what is the point in hating you it wouldnt last very long and that time that i did hate you because then i would have to live with out you and i dont think i can do that."she looked at him with her sad tearful eyes wich were filled with hope when she said " why wouldnt you be able to live without me" he looked her straight in the eyes and said "because you are my conscience, my sounding board ,my best friend and i think im falling for you caroline forbes." throughtout the whole speech carolines smile grew bigger and bigger until stefan was sure it was hurting her face and he couldnt help but smile back. stefan lent in slightly and so did caroline they kept leaning closer and closer until their lips collided. it wasnt like any of the kisses that they had shared in the past month. it was full of emotion and feeling. it felt like this whole time they had been kissing with the lights off and now they were turned back on and everything was right in the world.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they had been kissing for god knows how long when damon came in not really looking and said "is everyone alright in...oh so i guess you guys are more than ok" stefan and caroline parted and stefan couldnt help but feel slightly deflated at the loss of contact but then he remembered why they had to break away and shot daggers at damon and said "we are all good in here brother it was so nice of you to ask" giving an extra sharpness to his voice caroline couldnt help but giggle next to him damon said fine "i brought you and your girlfriend these" and he threw some bags of blood infront of them and then he vamped off. stefan knew that that wouldnt be the end of his torture from damon so he used his vamp hearing and heard damon skipping around the house chanting 'stefans got a girlfriend' over and over again and then stefan heard bonnie and elana join in. as damon was the only vampire other than stefan and caroline stefan said knowing that damon could hear it "damon dont you dare tell them who" right after he said that he heard elana say "who" damon said "no idea but he by accidently let slip that he is dating someone" stefan and caroline both sighed a sigh of relief. they drank the blood to get there strength up and then they went up.

steroline babyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن