Ah . . . in the car, I decided to text him instead. I knew I was being vague, but a small part of me didn’t want him to know my exact location. That part was probably the rational half of me. The half that was screaming at me to stay away from him—to keep my guard up at all times. I knew I was playing with fire here, and Bradlee was my poison.

        Hearing another buzz, I glanced down seeing the words: And that’s going where?

        I blew out a sigh, brushing the fallen piece of hair to the side.

        “Problem?” Skylar chuckled next to me, seeing my distressed state.

        I nodded. “He wants to know where I’m going. What do I even say?” I asked, hoping to God Skylar knew what to do, because I certainly didn’t.

        “Give him our address,” Demitri said instead, interrupting whatever Skylar was going to say.

        “What?” we both stressed out simultaneously. Seeing Skylar jaw dropped in the corner of my eye, I knew Skylar was just as surprised as I was.

        “Why should we do that?” Confusion laced his voice as he stared at the back of Demitri’s head eyeing him in the rear-view mirror.

        “Because,” Demitri said, “this is the perfect opportunity to get his DNA sample without being suspicious about it.”

        “But what if he sees you?” I asked, glancing at his profile, before he made a swift left. “Wouldn’t you risk blowing your cover?”

        “Nah.” He shook his head, before the car started slowing down to a stop. Cutting off the engine, I noticed we were right outside an apartment complex. Looping his keys around his fingers, Demitri cranked his neck to look at us. “Don’t worry about it,” he started saying, assuring us. “It’s not like the killer has seen either of our faces before. We could pretend we’re your older brothers coming back from college or something if he ask.”

        “We could, but the bigger problem here is that I’m not sick.”

        “You’d acted before,” he said without missing a beat in his sentence. “Make something up, and we’ll do the rest.”

        Seeing Skylar nodding his head to the idea, encouraging me to go along with it, I had no choice but to agree. “Fine, but don’t blame me if this plan of yours goes downhill.”

        He laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Don’t worry. I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a good opportunity for us.”

        “If you say so . . .”        

        “It is,” he reassured me. “Once we get the DNA found on the note tested, we can rule out Ian if the DNA matches with the DNA found at the crime scene, and if Bradlee’s DNA comes back negative, we can rule him out too. Which will leave us with—”


        “Correct.” He smiled. “Which I’m sure we’ll find a way for that as well, especially since you’re his tutor.”

        “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” I nodded slowly, hoping to God a miracle happens and the DNA comes back negative for all three of them. They’re honestly good people—and couldn’t possibly be pretending. But then again . . . Hunter does have that weird amnesia thing, while Ian has that weird split personality and Bradlee does have a record. Ugh, why does DNA results have to take so long to process?

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