Intro and Warnings

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- In-game art credits to ArenaNet -

So, first things first.

This story and its contents are heavily based on and inspired by the mechanics, story, and world of the computer game Guild Wars 2. Despite this, I will be taking some artistic liberties with fleshing out the societies the characters will encounter. I promise to try to explain everything, both the in-game pieces and the ones I add, though I make no promises I will always succeed. If you have any questions, please ask because I am here to clear up anything I can.

Edit: There is also now a context book published on my profile, though it is still in progress.

Other than that, this is a story I am writing for fun or when I am awake at 3 am because my writer brain hit and I can't sleep until I get stuff out of my head. Case in point, when I'm writing this. I was trying to sleep by 11 pm so I could fix my sleep schedule and here I am at 2 am, writing this and general plot stuff.

With that said, this story really is for fun. Please do not ask me for updates and I will update when I can, but I am generally very busy so please be patient with me.

Also, this story will not be completely fluffy. I will be tackling some pretty heavy stuff in this, simply because that's the world I've created within the world ArenaNet made. If you are uncomfortable at any point, please click off. I don't want anyone straining themselves to read something that is triggering or uncomfortable for them.


Instances of Racism

(It is a fantasy world, but still)

Instances of Classism

(I don't know quite how to describe it)


(A lot of fight scenes will be coming your way)


Some Language

If you run across something that you think should be a warning, please notify me immediately!

More will be added as I write!

- Kas

- Base world and cover art credits to ArenaNet -

- Cover credits to my friend  Sunny_Penelope -

- If you see any game art in this that is not credited, please inform me immediately so I don't get my ass kicked or reported -

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