"I'm a professional." He said. "Tried the true love thing..."

"With a teacher." Mike said, as Piper snorted a quiet laugh.

"Wasn't for me." Puck continued as if he had never even been interrupted.

"Well, it is for me." Kurt said, as he walked toward the table with a tray of food, a small card in his hands and a big smile on his lips. "And apparently it's for Blaine, too. Even from his sick bed, he's managed to send me a new Valentine's Day card every single day this week."

Kurt took his seat beside Piper, he gave his best friend his card so she could take a look at it. Piper frowned a bit, however, when she noticed a weird little detail.

"It says From your secret admirer." She pointed out, exchanging a look with Tina as Kurt just sighed dreamily.

"So romantic." He breathed out quietly, before gasping when someone dressed in a full-on gorilla costume walking toward them. "Oh. A gorilla gram? Pour moi?"

Piper rolled her eyes at the scene, watching as Kurt stood up to receive the balloons from the gorilla person with a huge, beaming smile on his lips.

"To Kurt. From your secret admirer." Kurt read it out from the card as everyone just watched him, slightly amused. "Again. Well, I wonder who it could be. Will you tell me who it is, Valentine gorilla?"

At that, the gorilla shook their head before turning to leave. So, still with a smile, Kurt sat down beside Piper again.

"You see, Puckerman, that's what you're missing out on: true love." He said, as Puck rolled his eyes.

"What about you, Rory?" Piper asked, turning her attention to the Irish to try and get the conversation off of Kurt. "Who are you taking to Sugar's party?"

"Sugar." Rory said, confidently, only causing Artie to snap his head at him.

"Hold up." He said. "You better have an option B because I'm all over that."

"You're going with Sugar?" Rory asked as Artie shrugged.

"As soon as I ask her out, and she says yes, which I'm sure she will because... I don't mean this to sound mean, Irish... But nobody understands anything you say."

"Baloney. Chicks dig accents."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Artie glared at him as the two boys leaned closer and closer to each other's faces. "Couldn't quite make it out."

"Fellas, there's no need to fight." Puck said, trying to defuse the tension only to be bluntly ignored by the two feuding boys. "You can just pick up the girls that fall off old Puckerosaurus here."

"This is a four-leaf clover, kid." Rory glared at Artie, ignoring Puck and pulling out a clover from his pocket. "Cause you're going to need all the luck you can get."

"Do you people just carry those around?" Kurt asked, causing Piper to nudge him a bit on his side.

Neither Rory or Artie paid him any mind, though, too busy glaring at one another to care about anything else.

"Let's Road House, Flanagan."


"There they are." Piper pointed down the hallway when she found Quinn and Santana standing by the Latina's locker. Grabbing Brittany by the hand while minding her laptop in her hand, she started to make her way toward the girls. "Come on."

And so, they walked over to the two of them, Brittany stopped by Santana, showing off her playlist she had done for her girlfriend while Piper smiled up at Quinn as she offered her her own gift.

Picture Perfect - Book 3 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now