A new Assistant

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A Assistant

A Assistant

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"S ... sir ..." Zhan was cornered, he couldn't back down anymore, while the young CEO had now locked him between his strong arms.

Then the CEO brought his face close to Zhan's neck, and he whispered...

"Xiao Zhan..."

"UWAAA!! Bruk..."
Zhan, who was panicked because his ears were sensitive, spontaneously smashed his own forehead against Yibo's head.

Yibo staggered backwards while holding his head, while Zhan himself was not much different, leaning against the body of the car while rubbing his forehead.

"Hah !!! Sorry sir .. sorry sorry .. I really didn't mean to "
Zhan could no longer show his flushed face to the young CEO.

He bowed respectfully while continuing to apologize, then he hurried into his car, hit the gas with full speed mode and left the scene of the embarrassing incident.

As for Yibo, the CEO could only hold his head which had been hit hard while staring flat at Zhan's car that had passed away.

Zhan entered the young CEO's room again, who knows what will happen today. Zhan was resigned to his situation, because last night he accidentally injured the CEO's head.

"CEO Wang, did you call me?"

"Yes, I have something to talk to you about "
The CEO replied in a cold tone.

"W .. what .. about yesterday?"
Zhan asked hesitantly.

"Yes, pack your things, YOU'RE IN THE FIRED !!!" .....

Kringg...... Kring..... Kringg.........

"UWaaaaaaaa !!!!!! Hah .. hah .. hah .... Just a dream ..."

Zhan woke up from his sleep with sweat pouring down. Since that incident, this week he continues to experience dream fired from the company.

Luckily during this week he did not meet his CEO again. The dream he had just now made him afraid to go to the office. But he still went, even though his heart was heavy. He just hopes that his dream will not come true.

In Office

"Heh .. why is your face like a wrinkled shirt?" Acheng asked

"Shut up." Zhan replied curtly, his slender fingers brushing against the keyboard, while his brows furrowed, making him look like a sulking cat.

"Hello ..." The manager picked up the phone, then a moment later he called Zhan.

"Zhan, what have you been doing?" Asked the manager.

"Wh ... what ... me?" Zhan was confused, feeling all day he was working as usual.

"Yes, I just got a call. CEO Wang called you back to his office.

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