Chapter 6: Teenage Hunters

Start from the beginning

A Sheriff car drives out of the Sheriff station parking lot that's on the left and turns left and as it comes to the end if the T intersection and is about to turn left as the impala drives in from the left and takes a turns towards the camera. The impala take a right hand turn into the Sheriff Station parking lot. Dean is driving and he parks the car in one of the parking lot spaces.

Sam: So, what are we looking at again?

Dean reaches into the back seat and hands Sam a newspaper. Sam reads his summary of what the paper says out loud.

Sam: "Two young women found near the freeway with their throats ripped out."
Dean: Sounds vampy to me.
Sam: Yeah, maybe.
Dean: Listen, if you want to take a knee on this one if you're not feeling up to it...
Sam: What?
Dean: You know, the trials, what Cas said that you got what he can't cure.
Sam: Hmm, which means what, exactly?
Dean: Well, I don't know. You tell me. Are you okay?
Sam: I'm fine. Are you okay?
Dean: Me?
Sam: Yeah. Um, Cas dinged you up pretty good.
Dean: And?
Sam: And I just wanted to make sure
you're okay.
Dean: What like my feelings?
Sam: If that's what you want to talk about, sure.
Dean: Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't I go get some, uh, herbal tea.
Sam: Okay.
Dean: And you can find some Cowboy Junkies on the dial.
Sam: Eat me, Dean.

Sam gets out of the Impala.

Dean: And you know what? We'll just talk it out.

Sam slams the impala door.

Dean: Good talk.

Dean gets out of the Impala and starts walking toward the Sheriff station after Sam.

Dean: Nay, great talk! Very healthy!

Sam and Dean are now seen inside the Sheriff station standing in a hallway showing their "FBI" badges to a sheriff.

Sheriff: FBI? You're here about the Lady Killer Murders, aren't you?

Sam: The Lady Killer Murders?

Sheriff: Yeah, coined it myself.

Dean: Congratulations. What can you tell us?

The Sheriff begins to walk and talk with the brothers to a desk in the busy Sheriff station.

Sheriff: Well, both victims were female, under 21, and here's the kicker -- they were drained of all their blood.
Sam: Huh.
Sheriff: Exactly. We found that strange, also. But then last night, things got even stranger.
Sam: Last night?
Sheriff: Yeah.

The Sheriff turns the computer monitor on his desk to show the brothers a surveillance video taken the night before.

Sheriff: We set up a security cam on Fuller's Point for safety purposes. It's where our local young people like to go make out. Last night, things got crazy.

The Sheriff then presses play on the video and the brothers watch the scene that played out with Ava, Aiden and Josephine the night before.

As he watches Dean recognizes Ava
surprised not believing his eyes with Sam. Dean doesn't say anything.

Sheriff: Hell of a thing, ain't it?
Sam: Uh, you I.D. any of these people?

Sheriff: Well, not yet. Crime scene was empty when we got there. No vic, no nothing. Uh, I'm thinking it's some kind of cult or a drug thing. So I put a statewide A.P.B. out on these three about an hour ago.
Dean: I'm gonna need you to call that off. And we're gonna need this footage.
Sheriff: What?
Dean: Sheriff, why do you think we're here? You just crossed streams with a federal investigation.
Now, I suggest you cooperate, call off your A.P.B., or you're gonna find yourself in a world of hurt.

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