"Sono sicuro che potrei buttarla fuori con un solo pugno." Some others said relating to what could I do to them if they did get on my bad side. (Translation: I'm sure I could knock her out with just one punch

"prima di tutto posso capire tutto quello che stai dicendo su di me. Secondo, non ti pia mia. Va bene, non voglio che tu lo voglia. Il mio matrimonio con il tuo capo non è affari tuoi, quindi smettila di comportarti così e non commettere errori, se uno di voi scopa con me. ti ammazzerò" 

 (Translation: First off I can understand everything you're saying about me. Second you don't like me. That's Ok I don't want you to. My marriage with your boss is none of your business so stop acting like it is and make no mistake, If one of you fuck with me. I will kill you.)

All the chatter in the room stopped. I wanted to chuckle at the shock on their faces. I could get used to the shock on people's face when they find out speak their language.

Luciano looked at me before his gaze returned to the other persons in the room. "Great now leave."

He stared at me with a smirk on his face. "Not bad. You'll fit right in."

"That's too bad, I was looking to stand out." He chuckled at my response before getting up.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm taking you shopping tesoro."


"This is beautiful. No?" He asked pointing to the black summer dress in the display window. I hummed in response and as he practically dragged me into the store. 

"Voglio vedere il vestito nero nella vetrina." The man nodded and walked to the back to what I assume was a store room.(Translation: I want to see the black dress in the display window)

He returned the same dress in different sizes. I took them from him and went to try them on. I came out of the dressing room wearing the dress.

"What do you think?" I asked the three men in the room, Luciano took two extra guards so that the could hold the bags, Though they were desperately trying to looking away from me. 

It's not like someone would kill them if they stared. Luciano looked me up and down, I didn't miss the way his lips twitched.

"Beautiful." I walked back into the dressing room and took of the dress to get back in the skirt and blouse that I got from the boy's sister.

I walked back out and handed him the dress, which he took and went to the cashier. 

"Sarebbe 1500€." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a platinum card.(Translation: That would be 1500)

We got the dress and left the store. We visited other stores before I remembered I still needed undergarments. 

I told Luciano and he brought me to a Victoria's secret store. I looked around completely ignoring the questioning gaze of others. I also ignored the fact that I was in this store with three men. 

I picked out a lot of underwear nd bra sets. My eyes caught a red lingerie, I walked over to it and picked it up along with the black and the royal blue. Luciano raised his eyebrows at some of the items in my hands causing me to roll my eyes.

I walked around and picked up a few perfume sets as well. 

I walked over to the cashier and payed for everything. As soon as I got out. Luciano took my hands and pulled me to God knows where. To my surprised he brought me to a Tiffany and co.

"Why are we here?"

"The necklace around your neck is beautiful and so is the ring on your finger but your wrist is still bare." Is all he said as he looked around.

Something sparkled in the corner of my eyes. I turned around to see it better. I t was a simple bracelet. Gold and covered in diamonds going all around it.

"That's the one you want?" I nodded my head and he called over the salesman.

"Questo sarebbe € 25k." He took out his card and paid for it. (Translation: This would be 25k)

"I have everything I need so we can leave now."

He nodded his head and walked to the parking lot where he went to his car while they guards went to their with the bags. We got in the car and he drove off back to the estate.


I looked in the cupboards for the parsley. I was originally going to make paella but he didn't have any sausage or any pepper other than black pepper. I need to go grocery shopping.

I spotted the Cajun season and tried to reach it. How this man has cajun season and not sausage is beyond me. I tried to reach the bottle but it was too far up. This cupboard was build for freaking goliath. 

Suddenly a hand came and took it up. I turned around to meet the face of a smiling Luciano. "What are you making?"


He sat and watched me cook and I served him a plate. He looked at the food skeptically and looked back at me. 

"Don't worry, It's not poisoned, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn't do it like that." He chuckled at me statement and brought the fork up to his mouth.

"How is it?"

"It's delicious tesoro. I might need you to teach me a thing or two."

We ate the food in silence until I went upstairs to sleep. The door to the bedroom opened up and Luciano walked in.

"You still haven't given me a tour."

"I know." I hummed and closed my eyes.

The bed sank as he came in and pulled me closer to him. My head was in his chest as darkness consumed me.

Infinity |18+Where stories live. Discover now