chapter 5

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It had been one month. One month since Nozomi found her. One month since she's been adopted. One month of constantly being brought to a new school just to be treated the same. She was starting to get tired of it. Her fear and anger don't mix well. She still refused to fight back. It would cause more trouble than it's worth. That's what she tells herself everyday. She tries her best. She does her best in school despite everything. All she wants is to make Nozomi happy. She wants her to be proud of her. She didn't want her to worry. She didn't want her to hurt, so she did her best. She would come home with a new bruise everyday, but she didn't care. She was at least noticed for her high intelligence by the teachers of her latest school. They weren't so bad. They gave her elementary level curriculum. It's easy enough. Each day they increase the difficulty. Each day more and more kids start to dislike her. She ignored it all. She only cared about doing her best to make Nozomi happy . She always made her worry. She always made her cry. She wanted to make her smile so she needed to be good.

Nozomi was proud. She was happy. She would get calls and be informed of her intelligence. They recommended multiple schools for her. Kuriko would still come back with bruises, but they were nothing too serious. Her new school wasn't treating her half bad. She would get bandaged up and read a book in her room. She would spend time with Nozomi when she could and they would talk. Nozomi started teaching her sign language to help her. Not a lot of poeope will get it, but it's best she knew how to sign.

She started using the taught language more often. She could talk to Nozomi easier.

Nemuri still came around and even she started to learn how to sign. She was trying to get Kuriko to trust her. Slowly. The child was very cautious, but her getting along with Nemuri made Nozomi happy, so she tried. She talked to the woman. Got to know her. She found out that she was the hero Midnight. She was nice. Surprisingly so and not once did she say anything bad about her. Not once had she given her a look of distaste. She would always bring vanilla ice cream for her. She noticed that the kid liked it more than she let in. She would hunt down books she thought Kuriko would like to fill her little bookshelf. She had to get another to house all the books she collected.

Life wasn't bad, but it was not perfect. Kuriko didn't mind. At least she had two people who cared.

But of course things started to spiral.


One and a half month of her new life. Three weeks at her new school. She had bullies , but she never got too injured . There were four of them. All around two years older than her. They were bragging about their awesome quirks and what not.

Apparently they had quirks and they were proud of it. Quirk use in public is not allowed but they didn't listen of course. Everyone fussed over then. Everyone except Kuriko. She didn't understand why they were so excited. Their quirks weren't too impressive. Kuriko doesn't care about quirks in general. She saw no reason to pay them extra attention.

It was during recess when they decided to let her know how amazing they were.

She was minding her own business as always. Sitting under a tree and watching the others play. She expected bullies.She always does. It's something she's come to terms with in al honesty.

So when she was taken by the collar she didn't react. When insults were thrown her way she didn't react. When she was let go and fell on her back she didn't react. She had an emotionless stare as it all happened. They would just have some fun and leave.

Not this time.

The insults were never too bad. She got over them. She couldn't care about it, but things were different.

"I can't believe you actually have a mom" one of the boys said casually. "I bet she's not even your real mom. Your parents probably abandoned you the day you were born"

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