-Try to talk with your father, then we can discuss. - Mom said hesitantly. - We're here, take your bag and go to class because you will be late soon.

-I promise you that dad will agree - I said nervously and slammed the car door.

dad, please.. say yes..


5th class. I couldn't focus on my studies all the time. All I thought was that my dad would agree to come over there. My parents were divorced due to the fact that my mom didnt want to live in US anymore. When I was born, I immediately moved to her native country with her. Although my dad spoke English, he was not American, but he wanted me to be raised in America like a real American, same my brother and sister, but my mom didn't like it. The only advantage of all this is that I went and still go to the national school, where students from all over the world attend. It was there that I met Taylor, Tahani and Bailey and I am so glad to be there.

-Hello, are you alive? - Natalie asked, who was walking with me all the way down the hall to where we were supposed to have the next lesson.

-. um, yes. Sorry..

-Okay, tell me what's going on. I can see something is wrong.

-Sean offered me to come to LA. - I said, sitting down at one of the tables in the corridor.

-Oh fu-.. Dude has been your idol for long years. 99.9% of the world's population wouldnt even expect it, and you are the 0.1%, in addition, the guy who lives on the other continent invites you to HERSELF - Nat said who was out of breath.

-Talk to my dad... it's up to him now whether I meet him or not.

- Then write him. What are you waiting for?

-I didn't talk to him a long time.

-Life is too short to regret anything and to worry about something. Write. Remember that with this message you can make your dream come true, and you can improve your contact with your dad.

-You're right. - I said after a moment's thought. I took out my phone, searched for conversations with my dad and wrote

kaycee: hey dad. yes, ik.. i haven't spoken for a long time. im so sorry for that. we are all fine. summer is coming soon.
dad, ik this isnt the right time, you have your own works, responsibilities. but could I come to you with my friends? you know Natalie, Tahani, Bailey, and Taylor. coming to la is one of my life decisions. thanks to this, i can make my huge dream come true.
I hope you write back..

love you dad.

-And? - I asked giving Natalie the phone.

-Okay, send it now.

-Sent. Okay, let's go to lessons. Two more hours and freedom.

-Ugh.. keep your fingers crossed that everything will work out..


seanlew: and how? agreed?  hope to see you here. ;D

kayceericeofficial: i wrote to my dad. waiting for his reply. im so stressed out.

seanlew: what? that your dad will write back to u?

kayceericeofficial: more so that he may disagree..

kayceericeofficial: wait. someone wrote to me.

from: dad

dad: Hi Kayc! How could I not agree to the arrival of my beloved daughter. Now I have a day off at work because some guy has spread some virus, which meant that the facility had to be closed and subject to sanitary assistance. Make an appointment with mom when you have a departure, and I'll pick you up at the airport. love you!

kayceericeofficial: jesus christ.. my dad agreed!

seanlew: god.. what a relief.. so when do we see each other?

kayceericeofficial: checking the airlines, airport and class statutes, i could be flying second class on Saturday.

seanlew: it's going to be a nice trip haha

kayceericeofficial: haha ​​that's right.. damn, i'm stressing out..

seanlew: you have nothing, no bites or anything

kayceericeofficial: no, no.. stresses meeting my dad.. i haven't seen him all my life.

seanlew: your dad lives in LA?

kayceericeofficial: yes precisely in Walnut

seanlew: wait... in w Walnut?

kayceericeofficial: yeah

seanlew: i live in Walnut too! damn it, but a coincidence!!

kayceericeofficial: oh, really? lol

seanlew: btw, i've to go. today i have an online class for the foundation

kayceericeofficial: good luck! you will collect a lot of money thanks to your classes!

seanlew: keep your fingers crossed for that to be the case. i have been cooperating with this foundation for 3 years and i still feel that i'm giving too little for these kids.

kayceericeofficial: sean.. you are an icon in the world of dance. its an honor to learn your choreography and you can help kids. it's a great gesture. it makes you unique too.

kayceericeofficial: not only what you create creates you, but also who you are and what you are.

seanlew: gez.. i-

kayceericeofficial: you don't have to say anything.. just do what you love and spread what you really are.

kayceericeofficial: honestly you already do it, making every possible man in the world dream of meeting you hahah

seanlew: see? youre so lucky

kayceericeofficial: okay okay.. haha

kayceericeofficial: i have to go too. i have a lot of packing in the morning.

seanlew: good night!

kayceericeofficial: have a nice day, shamu!

seanlew liked your message.

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