Chapter One: New Lydia

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Chapter One: New Lydia

My first week as the new Lydia wasn't shocking. I looked way sexier of course when I showed up to school that Monday, but my contacts hurt like hell and my outfit was hidden by the enormous amount of books I was carrying. Okay, so a guy or two cat-called as I stumbled through the halls. I wasn't used to the heels either. But most of the people that taunted me were still waiting for me at the end of the school day. The new Lydia should have taken boxing classes instead of re-inventing her image. One of the girls that realized my change in appearance rescued me however.

"AY YO CHILL!" I heard from a far. A thin short girl was making her way through the group of people about to pound me into a plump. "She's cool. She  bumpin' with me now." I was? I thought to myself. I never met this girl in my life, I doubted she even went to the school. And suddenly she was claiming we had a friendship publicly? After I hurriedly got out of this circle of impending violence I would demand an explanation.

"What was that all about?" I asked her.

"You Lydia?" The girl asked. She began to walk towards the south-side apartment buildings. I followed her hesitantly. 

"Yes, I am Lydia." I answered, subtly implying her english annoyed me.

"Jamilla." She turned and faced me. She eyed me up and down and I did the same. I couldn't fight but I wouldn't let her look at me like the way she was without reinforcement.

I noticed a lot about Jamilla. Besides the different colors in her weave, she was really pretty. Attractive face, nice size, and her clothes were a little more sophisticated than average for someone from our school. She didn't have the trademark features of a black girl so she must have been mixed like me. 

"Where are you from?" I asked her, hoping I didn't sound pompous.

"Jersey, well technically, Dominican Republic. I'm dominican and black."

"Oh, that's cool. I'm native american and black."

"What that mean? Ya motha Pocahontas or something'?"

"No, she's just native american. She left the reserve for the city life when she was younger and regret it ever since."

"Oh, okay." She said finally, ending the discussion. What the hell was I doing? Why was I actually talking and walking with this girl. I knew nothing about her and clearly she didn't want to know anything about me. I should have just thanked her for saving my ass and walk away.

"Well, thanks for everything back there." I said after another moment of silence.

"You good," she spoke not facing me, "Bye." And Jamilla just kept on walking.

I didn't know what to do after that, I just took the longer way home and contemplated if I had just made my very first friend.

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